The Geni Common Tree has two different profiles of Thomas Blount as the husband of Anne Elizabeth Reading Blount (c 1690-c1742).
One profile is for @Thomas Blount, Jr. (1687-1729) Thomas Blount, II
The other profile is @Thomas Blount (1708-1745) Thomas Blount which also lists Elizabeth Whetmell as a spouse.
Does anyone have any authoritative sources that we can use to correct the Geni common tree? It seems more likely that Thomas Blount (1708-1745) is the son of Thomas Blount, Jr. (1687-1729) and Anne Elizabeth Reading Blount (c 1690-c1742)
My niece is married to a descendant of this Blount line. I am doing the "tree connection" work for them as I've been part of this for several years. When I noticed this discrepancy as you have stated, I usually just state discrepancies and not change any research, but this appears to be in error, an overlooked mistake. I checked several sources and made requested tree correction which appears to have been corrected in our tree viewing as I now see it. Your observation of correction seems valid even without going through all the many sources.
Many sources but one source could be: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~bennieblount/pafg...
Anything you see that you need to do further to help is most appreciative.
I am, also, a proponent of adding to every name display the birth and death year as this allows better connections when names "pop-up". For example, John Doe (1900-1980). I encourage all managers to type this in all "name displays", Yes, it shows on the tree, but not anywhere else. This surely helps keep information straight, especially with same or close names, by distinguishing them further with these dates which will automatically appear when names are accessed or connected.
Jim Semple