Louis le Riche SV/PROG - Birthplace La Fente or Thimerais?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, March 25, 2013
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Does anyone have the source for the La Fente, France birthplace?

Coertzen has it as the Thimerais region in France - which he places with a question mark in Normandie. Google maps superimposed on a map of the time suggests Thimerais might have been in the Ill-de-France region closer to Paris, although next to Normandy.

The mystery would be solved if La Fente were somewhere there, but it appears that it is in the S of France.

Oh, and we need the source for the 1673 birthdate. Everything I can find doesn't have a birthdate, so it would be fantastic if this one had valid sources.


My Heritage has:
Louis le Riche Born: Oct 8 1673 In: France
Died: 1732 (at age ‎~59‏) In: Groene Fontein, Drakenstein.
http://www.myheritage.com/person-5000001_138403261_138403261/louis-... - no sources

Another website also gives Groenfontein: Eienaar van Groenfontein 1717 tot 1732. Sy weduwee, Suzanne Fouche dra die plaas oor aan hul jongste seun, Joseph le Riche wat toe ook L'Arc d' Orleans in Klein Drakenstein besit. Joseph se weduwee trou met Adriaan Louw
http://houliston.lisaandroger.com/getperson.php?personID=I490&t... – no sources

The Shiplist from http://huguenots-france.org/france/refuge/afrique_sud/embarques.htm has Thimerais as birthplace too.

I think 'Le Fent' is a misreading of Boucher:
"Pierre… and his brother Etienne considered themselves Normans and may perhaps have come from the Thimerais. The abjuration of a Francois Cronier of La Ferte-Vidame at Leyden in September 1687 provides a possible clue. Le Riche was perhaps from the same area. pp118-119
Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 5: Cape settlers I: from the Loire to the Channel

Which takes us back to Normandie - & only maybe.

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