Brittany I drop profiles of DAR patriots into the "daughters" (original) project, so do most curators - otherwise permission to add to project would need to be requested of managers, and some are inactive.
So what I was thinking is it might be easier to change the main project page and leave us "dropping them in" as we've been used to.
Okay, I think I see what you're saying now. In my opinion, I kind of like the clarity of having the three sub-projects and that was kind of the vibe I was getting reading through the discussion. I think it also helps distinguish the difference of the DAR projects and the American Revolutionary War project. I realize it's a lot of profiles to weed through to get them all sorted, but it's also making it easier to prepare to alphabetize the patriots with only about 100 or so moved per day. We've got a few curators now on board with the project(s), so I think adding profiles shouldn't be too much of an issue in the near future. Let me know if you still disagree.
I maybe dense but I don't understand this discussion Erica Howton. I have moved some & it's not very fast. I do think I have an idea though. Maybe too late. What if the project with 5500 profiles is the one we use for the Patriots? The vast majority, I would guess about 4500 are Patriots. We could move the others & rename the project to say Patriots.
That's kind of what Erica was saying: leave the main page as the patriots page. As of right now, there isn't an alphabetizing system allowed, so I've been keeping track of all of the profiles moved daily and once they're all moved I will sort it by name and/or ancestor number. I can generally get about 100 profiles moved at day when I'm working at it. Between at least the two of us, it shouldn't take too long, especially if a couple other people get in on it too.
The page is so neat and nice now, thank you.
I have just figured out (slow me) how to glean wonderful bits of biography and summary of service from the Lineage books (google books) and the Ancestry.com database here:
A page describing how to access the rolls on archive.org is here:
Brittany Christine Jenkins & Erica Howton
In the DAR - Daughters Project, I like the way the Patriots represented are on the Project page. I hadn't thought of that and think it's a good idea.
Would it be possible to arrange the Daughters by their DAR Member #? That way we can see which ones have been skipped. If I am asking for the MOON, then I will retract my request. I don't have any idea of the effort required. Thanks Faustine
That's in the works. I'm getting all of the names together to alphabetize both the daughters profiles and the patriots profiles. I figured going ahead to add the list of patriots on the daughters page was a good way to show the direction I hope to take the page. Glad you like it. :-) I hope to link all of the patriots and their numbers to the relevant profiles/service records when I get the time. I am currently working a summer camp in the health office and all of the kids just got sick, so my time has been pretty occupied the last two days. They're all a work in progress though.
Brittany Christine Jenkins thank you for adding me to the projects. So now, I have a question. So do I add say Patriot to both projects, or just one. For example, this one: John Ward
I think for that project in particular, you can pick more prominent patriots first and then just start adding his or her descendants to the project. Once we start getting profiles added I will see how we can get the "about" section organized. I think it will end up being one of those things where we say "Descendants of (These) Patriots Have Been Added to the Project."