Getting to be a mismash

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 14, 2013
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Showing 91-120 of 161 posts

In looking through gravesite photos, it seems like the "patriots" vary quite a bit, and the Chapter Member daughters use the brass medallion insignia.

That gives more options for available graphics? I like variety in my own tree.:)

I noticed the same thing about the proposed Daniel Waldo -- died before the Revolutionary War and not one of the two that are in the DAR database -- and wrote the proposer to ask why she thought that he should be included, but I'm wondering if there are any people who are acceptable DAR ancestors who were involved in protests or other actions against British rule before war was formally declared.

Since this is a DAR project, I think we need to stick to the DAR database only. There are other projects - like American Revolutionary War - for "patriots" who are not DAR.

The great thing about the DAR is that the documentation has been vetted and the application is easily available for review.

So many "related" project ideas are emerging from this discussion. I just "dropped in" a family group of DAR patriots who were also ministers, as example. That would make a nice project and I think there's even a list of Colonial Ministers who served in the Revolution. would be a fun easy project perhaps.

Erica Howton

When my mother died, her chapter offered to place a DAR marker on her gravesite, but since she is buried at a National Cemetery, they don't allow the markers.

Most chapters will place markers on a members headstone if it is allowed by the family and the cemetery. The best way to do this is to contact the regent of the chapter the deceased relative was a member of and see if they would be willing to help you with them, but prior to doing this check with the cemetery they are buried in and see if the marker would be allowed.

Hope this helps to answer the question.

It does, Alice, thank you. Your mother was in service to our country, I take it - a family tradition?

Yes, Erica Howton family tradition, but it was my father who served, not my mother. Spouses and dependents of military, under the age of 18, as well as those who serve our country may be buried at National Cemeteries.

Please help...I found a distant relative here James Chiles II, but his father and uncle show - No path found" Here is James II - James Chiles, II Here is the father - James Chiles, Sr. Am I missing something?

You cannot trust Geni to either find, or find the closest path between two people. The algorithm they use is not foolproof. It just does its best.

Dea Lowry is James Chiles, II's 9th cousin 7 times removed

The uncle has a different mother. I'll bet Geni takes a "shorter" path for that profile and for that reason.

SoJames Chiles, Sr Is my 9th cousin 6 times removed...but Geni can't figure it out?

They have to draw the line somewhere. With cousins marrying etc the algorithm is not as simple as you might think. My 7th GG is listed as my 7th G Uncle. Both are true.

They do have to draw the line somewhere. My father is an immigrant to Canada from Israel. His sponsor is related to me three times. 1st and 2nd cousin twice removed as well as wife of my 3rd cousin once removed.

I understand drawing the line, but the father is one generation CLOSER to me.....he SHOULD show as a relative, even if it was the Mother who I am related to, which is not so.

Dear Dea,

If you really think this should be the top of the list for Geni to work on, write them. If you think it is a bug - write them.

Geni is a work-in-progress.

I don't think it is a TOP issue...just very confusing. Sorry I seemed to offend here. I will shut up.

Faustine Humphris, I want to say THANK YOU! for all the help you gave me in finding my DAR connections and suggestions you made. I am meeting with the local DAR lady today with my records...we'll see how things go. YOU ARE AWESOME!

I hope things go well. You are very welcome!

A shout out to Alice Knapp also for her help getting me connected with my local DAR... THANK YOU!

Okay... so it seemed everyone was under the same idea that this project should have related sub-projects to help control it's current population. I have done so! Please help me to filter profiles into their proper DAR homes:
[ DAR Patriots]
[ DAR Descendants]
[ DAR Daughters]


Hello Brittany,

What a nice surprise! I have joined the 3 projects. How do I go about this? Maybe it will be obvious once I am approved to work on the projects. Thanks so much for your efforts.

Yay! I have added you to all three Faustine. It should be pretty easy now to help out.

I started with Patriots first. I've been going through the profiles, and if a DAR Ancestor # is listed, I assume that means they are a documented patriot. I have been adding those profiles to the Patriots page and removing them from the DAR page at the same time to help figure out how many are still left to sift through. The same could be done for profiles with a National #, moving them to the Daughters page and removing them from the DAR page.

Descendants should be everything that's left after those two groups have been removed. After everyone is moved, I plan to sift back through them to add more information or weed out people who maybe aren't appropriate for any of the groups (undocumented patriots and whatnot) and maybe adding them to the American Revolution project.

If you have any questions or don't know where to start, just ask!! I'm so excited things are going to start getting more organized. :-)

Brittany, I have two ancestors that are Patriots, They are Josiah Boone DAR Ancestor # A012117, and William R. Haynes A054367. I wish you had the in order. Pat

I agree. We need to be able to sort the Patriots by # and by name. There might be other useful ways to sort them also.


I added your two Patriots to the project. Check the link for William Haynes. Your number did not work. Thanks, Faustine

Brittany Christine Jenkins
Thanks for the instructions. I get it. Faustine

Faustine, My number for DAR is 626928, I have not gone on the Haynes, sr as of yet.

Faustine, Hear are two other people that I can go on, One is a Patriot and his number is A012117, he is Josiah Boone, Sr and then the son number is A012118. Pat.

I hope to get the "About" section of the project up and running soon after getting all of the profiles moved. This is where I hope to get the patriots listed by Ancestor number and/or name.

Showing 91-120 of 161 posts

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