I stumbled on this is a great story about Thomas More...check it out!
I stumbled on this is a great story about Thomas More...check it out!
A good, brief summary of what can be found in any 'Life' of Sir or Saint Thomas More.
Thomas was cartainly a complex character, a complexity perhaps best brought out by Richard Marius in his 'Thomas More' (published 1984 in New York).
Henry VIII was furious at what he saw as Thomas' betrayal, and did his best to show it by trying to seek out all the family documents he could in order to erase as much as he could of his memory. Fortunately he was not completely successful.
Thomas More's descendants (among whom I number myself) continued to be persecuted until Catholic Emancipation in England in the 1800s. The story of this is told in my own book "The Family and Descendants of St. Thomas More" (Published in the UK by 'Gracewing' in 2008.)