'Big tree' vs unconnected (or standalone) tree
Profiles in Geni have a flag indicating if they are part of the 'Big Tree'. This means that beetween any two profiles (theoretically) Geni should be able to find a path (unlesss it has been disconnected).
Clicking on path refresh symbol will force Geni to referesh a path - this is needed when there is activity in the area beeten two profiles choosen as the pathe beetwen them could have changed.
Geni finds a path beetween blood relatives quite well, but if the path twists from blood relatives to marriage connection, and has many twists and turns, Geni is often unable to find it.
How to construct a path yourself (when Geni is unable to do it)
Every path in Geni contains a string of profiles - profiles it needs to trail through to get from one person to another.
To be able to construct this path yourself - you need to be aware where possible connection is.
You also need to understand a structure of Geni profile indexing:
- every profile in geni has a unique number
Vid (Vito) Morpurgo
Vid (Vito) Morpurgo
- if you go to the profile directly (by choosing it from the list for example), profile hyperlink will have the following form
- if you arrived to this profile from neighbouring profile, for example clicking on the mother of the profile the the hyperlink will have the following form
Annetta Gentilli Morpurgo
Annetta Gentilli Morpurgo
You want to see that path beetween yourself and somebody else.
Y - yourself
X - perosn you want to built a path to
A - person you think is common to both your and person's X tree
1) go to person A profile - click on >> you have a path Y-A
2) open a person A profile in a separate window
click on pushpin symbol to make a person A a focus person
go to person X and click on refresh symbol, you have a path A-X
3) open a third window - profile A
reset >> back to yourself. It should show path Y-A
now that you have a path from Y-A, and A-X, you need to connect those two paths
4) start trailing from profile A to X, as seen in path A-X
if all profiles along this path are public or in your family group, you will be able to smootly built this path
But, if some profiles along the path are private and you cannot traverse it, you need to construct this step yourself
by going to the next profile
…./next_profile_index?through=current profile_index
Vid's profile was supposed to show link ie
his mother
http://www.geni.com/people/??name??/xxher numberxx?through=xxVid's numberxx
see also: "Relationship Path - technical difficulties?"
Private User, Mike Stangel - before we do that, let see if Mike Stangel responds to me - as to Geni plans & schedule - of Path enhancement. Haven't seen Mike respond to any discussions lately:)
a) ancestor
b) closest
c) ???
Private User - I got this from someone today & had same one last week from another person:
" Up until Shaltiel, it showed my relationship to HM King David of my Mother's side, as a Great Grandfather.
Then, after Shaltiel, Geni switched over to my Dad's relationship to HM King David and then everyone started to become cousins, rather than Great Grandfathers. "
I was just saying - if Geni will be changing the Path program soon - the instruction in the project page would also change.
However - that does Not mean - the project page can't be done now :)