When looking at a possible match between this John Jenkins, Sr. and this other Unknown Profile, it struck me that not only might those to men be the same, but that this Mary Jenkins might be the same as this Unknown Profile.
The Mary Jenkins currently has different parents ... but that might be mis-merge; I say that because at some point that Mary Jenkins had her last name changed from Wallen to Ewer (see her Revisions).
No Sources provided on any of these profiles at the present time, so those of you that know the Plymouth Colony may better be able to sort this out!
(It looks to me like the Mary Jenkins profile should be disconnected from the "Ewer" parents and merge with the other Mary, merging also the two John Jenkins. If those "Ewer parents" did have a child named Mary (birth name Ewer), care should be taken to prevent future mis-merge (if that is what happened).
Tagging some other folks who touched these profiles: Private User, Alexander Ruben Kornrumpf, Angus Wood-Salomon, Private, Private User