Daniel van Vuuren, b2c8 - Is this actually the child of Johannes VV & Catherina Mare?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, November 25, 2012
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On another discussion, Private User made this point:

"The SAG has a number of mistakes in the Van Vuuren register. From what I can see it appears that Daniel and Andries Van Vuuren [both married Viljoens] are incorrectly placed as the children of Johannes Van Vuuren & Catherine Maree when they belong under Johannes Van Vuuren & Johanna Oelofse.

Gerrit Van Vuuren is placed as the younger brother of Daniel and Andries with the SAG having Gerrit Van Vuuren as the husband of Catherine Maree. It is also a good idea to confirm Gerrit Van Vuuren's parentage as it is quite possible that Johannes Van Vuuren son of Gerrit Jansz may have been documented as Gerrit Van Vuuren, when in actual fact they are the same individual with the possible full name of Johannes Gerritsz Van Vuuren [x Chaterine Maree]. Just a thought"

The First Fifty Year Project [http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g8/p8567.htm] gives them 6 kids:
1) Gerrit Janse van Vuuren
2) Unknown Profile
3) Johannes Janse van Vuuren
4) Lucas Janse van Vuuren
5) Anna Elizabeth Jansen van Vuuren
6) Susanna Janse van Vuuren Susanna Janse van Vuuren (c 1732)

But we have an extra two:
Daniel Janse van Vuuren and Pieter Janzoon van Vuuren, b2c6

Do we need to do some checking and fixing on this line?

@ Sharon Doubell I believe you will know best. go ahead!

Nope - I definitely don't on this one. :-)

I have found the baptism entries for both. I am attaching it to their profiles at the moment. Pieter is b2c6 and Daniel is b2c8

Woohooo, Lea!! I need to let the FFYP know too. Thank you

Of course it means I've got to go back and re-do the family line template I spent all of yesterday putting on those profiles.
So 'Boo hoo, 'too :-)

I have also found this Ignace Maree listed as the brother of Susanna Jansz van Vuuren and Johannes Jansz van Vuuren.

Ignatius Maré, SV/PROG

I think something is wrong here. I think he must be the husband of Susanna Jansz van Vuuren.

I have the baptism entries of all the children. I am adding them.

Eeek! Where did Ignatius Maré, SV/PROG come from?
His death date - 1705 - is the year that the Mare's arrived in the Cape.
Something badly wrong here.

Linda Magdalena Engelbrecht - please say this profile of yours is an accidental duplicate of the SV.

Actually, come to think of it.. That must be what it is. Okay. Calming down. will merge him in :-)

Sharon, just check his death date now?

Coul Ignace Maree have died in 1705. In 1716 him and his wife Susanna Jansz van Vuuren were witnesses at Gerrit van Vuuren's baptism. Unless the Ignace Mare mentioned there is their son?

Sorry, he did die in 1705. It was his son who was a witness at Gerrit van Vuuren's baptism. This is all very confusing, but I am starting to understand it.

No, the SV got married on 7 February 1706 and was still alive when the monster rol was taken in 1733 - both documents are attached to his profile.

Yes, off course. I even loaded the marriage entry. I'm trying to work and take part in the discussion. So who witnessed the baptism of Gerrit van Vuuren? They normally had the husband's name first and then the wife. Here it says witnessed by Susanna van Vuuren and Ignatius Maree.

Maybe the son? Which is why he is mentioned after Susanna?

That is what I thought. I have added this document as a source for the son.

Eish it's good to watch you guys work - Go gals!!

I updated his death date - It may have been a result of the merge-in I did at 2pm. I obviously didn't resolve the Data Conflict!

Dankie,jammer vir ongerief!

O aarde is dit nou verby? Arme man.

Moenie worry nie, Juds en Linda - ons het hom stil doodgemaak.


Someone had to do it :-)

DAnkie julle. Ek wou regtig weghardloop.
Lekker naweek. Ek het 'n besige een. Die hardloopklun se jaareindfunksie en kersboom en ek en my genoot in die eg, Jan moet werk daarvoor. O wel. Altyd die gewillige donkies. My man glo hy doen eerder dinge self dan weet hy dit is reg. HA ha.

Geniet die jaareindfunksie , niggie

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