Benjamin Harrison - Benjamin Harrison (1743-1807) .. 3rd wife?

Started by Dan Cornett on Monday, November 12, 2012
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11/12/2012 at 11:40 AM

James Hutchison has noted that Benjamin's 3rd wife is " Elizabeth Taylor, daughter of Col. Wm. Byrd, of Westover." ... and the parents of that Elizabeth are currently William Byrd, II, "The Black Swan" of Westover and Maria Byrd

However, there is another "3rd wife" of Benjamin existing Evelyn Taylor Harrison, daughter of Colonel William Evelyn Byrd, III and Mary Shippen Byrd ... and this pairing of Benjamin & Evelyn has a daughter Ann listed, AND this whole relationship is consistent with information on -- although those references are not supported by actual burial information, so it is not necessarily any better than other Internet references.

So, can we find info to resolve this apparent inconsistency? (Tagging also Erica Howton, who may know something about these Harrisons)

11/12/2012 at 11:45 AM

William Edgar Bird

William do you have any information regarding this

11/12/2012 at 11:56 AM

I do not trust FAG info on these First Families of Virginia unless citing genealogies well studied in published books. So let's look into it.

11/12/2012 at 12:18 PM

Dan - You are correct! Benjamin Harrison (1743-1807) is somewhat of an enigma as far as his wives are concerned! There is also reference to another potential wife ... Mary McClure (b. 1741/42; d. 1819) and married Benjamin Harrison in 1763 and theoretically had a daughter named Jane Harrison (1776-1835) who married William Cravens! Any assistance to clarify the spouses of Benjamin Harrison is much appreciated!


11/12/2012 at 1:18 PM


No records I have found indicates Colonel William Evelyn Byrd II had a daughter named Elizabeth by either of his two wives. He and 1st wife, Lucy (Parke), had daughters Evelyn and Wilhelmina. He and his 2nd wife, Maria (Taylor), had daughters Anne, Maria and Jane.


11/12/2012 at 1:19 PM

William I concur.

11/12/2012 at 1:32 PM


According to Marion Tinling, Editor of " The Correspondence of the Three William Byrds of Westover 1684-1776, Colonel William Evelyn Byrd III and his 2nd wife, Mary Shippen (Willing), had a daughter, Elizabeth, b: 13 Oct 1766. She married in December 1789 Benjamin Harrison of Brandon. Page 305 of Stella Pickett Hardy's 1911 publication, "Colonial Families of the Southern States of America" states "Evelyn (not Elizabeth) Taylor, m. Hon. Benjamine

11/12/2012 at 1:45 PM

Continuing: Hon. Benjamine Harrison of "Brandon," Surry Co., Va., son of Nathaniel and Mary (Digges) Harrison, of "Brandon" and had issue,

Stella's publication does not identify an Elizabeth being a daughter via Mary Byrd (Willing).

Col. Wm E Byrd III did have a daughter Elizabeth Hill Byrd via his 1st wife, Elizabeth Hill (Carter), but that Elizabeth married 1st, James Parke Farley, 2nd, Rev. John Dunbar and 3rd, Colonel Henry Skipwith, and had issue. She didn't marry a Benjamin Harrison.


11/12/2012 at 1:50 PM

James Hutchison
You just added Unknown Profile today where did you get this information?

11/12/2012 at 1:53 PM

Are you mixing up Evelyn Taylor Harrison with the one you added?

11/12/2012 at 2:12 PM


My error. Page 829 of Marion Tinling's edited 1977 publication "The Correspondence of the Three William Byrds...." also identifies Evelyn (not Elizabeth) marrying Benjamin Haaison of Brandon, as does page 217 of Alden Hatch's 1969 book, "The Byrds of Virginia".


11/12/2012 at 2:43 PM

So far, then, I gather that Elizabeth Taylor needs to be detached as the wife of this Benjamin Harrison (and his "About" improved) -- correct?

Anything else?

11/12/2012 at 2:53 PM

Better to merge Unknown Profile into Evelyn Taylor Harrison and detach from incorrect parents. We need chidren lists for each of the wives.

11/12/2012 at 2:56 PM

The mixup in names (Elizabeth vs Evelyn) comes from a source:DeJarnette family tree that says that Elias DeJarnette, Sr. 1704-1769 married abt. 1724 Elizabeth Byrd, daughter of William Byrd.

The Alden Hatch book, "The Byrds of Virginia" is thought highly of.

11/12/2012 at 3:04 PM

re: disposition of new "Elizabeth"; since new, and no children, remove relationship and delete the new profile? (I know merge is usually preferred, but in this case I think it would actually confuse the revision history.)

11/12/2012 at 3:31 PM


I NEVER delete, I always merge. Has been the case since 2007.

11/12/2012 at 3:33 PM

Delete queries are always a tad risky in a database, and losing management of a profile you've invested work in a bigger "human" blow than a pristine revision history - which we'll never get from a server log anyway.

11/12/2012 at 4:14 PM

Source citation for you

Evelyn Taylor Byrd

* daughter of Col. William and Mary (Willing) Byrd, of "Westover." 

Married: HON. BENJAMIN HARRISON, (5--1), of "Brandon," Surry Co., Va., b. 1743; d. 1807.  He was the oldest son of NATHANIEL HARRISON, (4--1), of "Brandon," Surry Co., Va.,  & his 1st wife, Mary Digges.


# 6--1. George Evelyn, of "Brandon," Surry Co., Va., b. 1797; d. 1839; m. Isabella Richie, dau. of Thomas Richie, of Richmond, Va. Issue: 7--1. George Evelyn, of "Brandon," Surry Co., Va., b. 1837; d. 1880; m. Guiliema Gordon, and had issue. 7--2. Belle, who died before her mother; unm.
# 6--2. Anne, m. Hon. Richard Evelyn Byrd, C. S. A., of Frederick Co., Va., son of Capt. Thomas Taylor and Mary Anne (Arm-istead) Byrd. (See Byrd lineage.)
# 6--3. WILLIAM BYRD HARRISON, (6--3), of "Upper Brandon," Prince George Co., Va.; m. Mary Randolph Harrison, dau. of Randolph and Mary (Randolph) Harrison, of Cumberland Co., Va. Issue: 7--1. Benjamin, of "Upper Brandon," Prince George Co., Va., m. 1835, Mary Randolph Page, dau. of Nelson and Lucia (Harrison) Issue: 8--1.William Byrd. 8--2.Lucia.
8--3.Benjamin, Jr., of "Upper Brandon," Prince George Co., Va.

#  Hardy, Stella Pickett. Colonial Families of the Southern States of America: A History and Genealogy of Colonial Families Who Settled in the Colonies prior to the Revolution. Baltimore, MD, USA: Southern Book Co., 1958.  "HARRISON FAMILY". page 295

11/28/2012 at 10:04 AM

There appears to be no question that Evelyn Taylor Harrison (Byrd) (1766-1817) was married to Benjamin Harrison (1743-1807)! The Will of her mother, Mary Byrd (Willing) (1740-1814) clearly states that Evelyn was married to this Benjamin Harrison which is in the transcript of the Will below. I am working on the other marriages of this Benjamin Harrison (1743-1807) to find source documents which support them..more later!

The Will of Mrs. Mary Willing Byrd, of Westover,
1813, with a List of the Westover Portraits.

[Mrs. Mary Willing Byrd, whose will is here printed, was born
in 1740, and died in 1814. She was the daughter of Charles and
Anne (Shippen) Willing, of Philadelphia. She married Janu-
ary 29, 1 76 1, Colonel William Byrd, of " Westover," Charles
City county, Virginia, being his second wife. His first was
Elizabeth Hill daughter of John Carter, of " Shirley." During
the Revolution, the British forces were several times at West-
over, and as Mrs. Byrd had acquaintances in the English army,
and was nearly related to Benedict Arnold's wife, various com-
munications passed between her and the enemy, which were at
the time thought to be treasonable. Whether Mrs. Byrd ex-
ceeded the bounds of friendly intercourse, and if so, to what
extent, cannot now be determined. There can be no doubt that
many persons at the time thought she was guilty of treasonable
correspondence; but she denied, with indignation, the charges
against her; and Lossing, in his Field Book of the Revolution,
states that it was discovered that she was certainly innocent. In
February, 1781, all of Mrs. Byrd's letters and papers were seized
by the American officers. It does not appear that any decisive
action was taken in her case. The Cal. of Va. State Papers, I,
599; and II, 312, contain letters from Mrs. Byrd in regard to her
case. Arthur Lee, in a letter to Colonel Bland, March 21st,
1 78 1, says: " In this situation it need not surprise you that Ar-
nold, with a handful of bad troops, should march about the
country, take and destroy what he pleased, feast with his tory
friends, settle a regular Correspondence with them, which he
carried on for some time in vessels sent up the river and unno-
ticed, till one happening to run aground, discovered Mrs Byrd's
correspondence, which, however, will produce neither good to
us nor injury to her. I have reason to think she will not be
tried at all, because care having been taken to keep the witnesses
out of the way." ( Campbell' s History of Virginia, p. 711.)

Chastellux, writing of a visit in the year 1782, says: " That
[the residence], of Mrs. Bird, to which I was going, surpasses
them all in the magnificence of the buildings, the beauty of its sit-
uation, and the pleasures of society.

" Mrs. Bird is the widow of a Colonel who served in the war
of 1756, and was afterwards one of the Council under the Brit-
ish Government. His talents, his personal qualities, and his
riches, for he possessed an immense territory, rendered him one
of the principal personages of the country; but being a spend-
trift and a gambler, he left his affairs at his death, in very great
disorder. He had four children by his first wife, who were al-
ready settled in the world, and has left eight by his second,
of whom the widow takes care. She has preserved his beautiful
house, situated on James River, a large personal property, a
considerable number of slaves, and some plantations, which she
has rendered valuable. She is about two and forty, with an
agreeable countenance, and great sense. Four of her eight
children are daughters, two of whom are near twenty, and thev
are all amiable and well educated. Her care and activity have
in some measure repaired the effects of her husband's dissipa-
tion, and her house is still the most celebrated, and the most
agreeable of the neighborhood. She has experienced however
fresh misfortunes; three times have the English landed at West-
over, under Arnold and Cornwallis ; and though these visits cost
her dear, her husband's former attachment to England, where
his eldest son is now serving in the army, her relationship to
Arnold, whose cousin german she is, and perhaps too, the jeal-
ousy of her neighbours, have given birth to suspicions, that war
alone was not the object which induced the English always to
make their descents at her habitation. She has been accused
even of connivance with them, and the government have once
put their seal upon her papers; but she has braved the tempest,
and defended herself with firmness; and though her affair be not
yet terminated, it does not appear as if she was likely to suffer
any other inconvenience than that of being disturbed and sus-
pected. Her two eldest daughters passed the last winter at
Williamsburg, where they were greatly complimented by M. de
Rochambeau and tne whole army."]

In the name of God Amen. I Mary Byrd of Westover of
the County of Charles city, Virginia, being of sound mind and
memory do make this my last will and testament. I resign my
soul into the hands of its unerring Creator in full hope of its
eternal happiness through the mercy of my God, and the media-
tion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and secondly I desire
that my body may be privately buried by the grave of my dear

Item. I give and bequeathe to my daughter Maria Hosman-
den Page 1 all my interest in ten shares of the Virginia Bank, to
enjoy the interest during her life, and to be equally divided at
her death, between my dear 2 Sarah Walker Page, Aby Page and
their four brothers.

Item. I give and bequeath to my said daughter M. H. Page
the engravings which represent the offering of Abraham and all
other engravings she may chuse to have, one excepted, all the
furniture in my chamber, except a bed, a mattress, and a small
table, chair, and a piece of shell work including the cabinet, my
bedstead and curtains (the feather bed and mattress I shall give
to Richard, the other three articles I shall give to my G. daugh-
ter Evelyn Page 3 ).

Item. I give and bequeath to my said daughter M. H. Page
the red damask bed and the bedstead belonging to it with the
handsomest Virginia cloth counterpoint not worked and blankets
and also the red and white chair covers.

Item. I give to my said daughter M. H. Page the portrait of
her honored father, 4 and one of myself, and also one of the
Dutches of Montaigne, 5 also two fire screens and six of my longest
and best table cloths, and one green chair.

Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter 6 Evelyn Taylor
Byrd Harrison my bible and new testament, and my celleret with
a green chair, and agreeably to her Sister Ann's wish the por-
trait of her Aunt Evelyn. 6a I thank God she and her children
are well provided for.

Item. I give and bequeath to my amiable son 7 John Page of
Frederick a portrait of his dear 8 wife and myself.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son 9 Thomas Taylor Byrd
one of his brother John, 10 and one of himself, and also a green
chair for the vise of my very dear daughter his wife.

Item. I give and bequeath to my G. son Benja. Harrison my
set of dining tables in the dining room at this time.

Item. I give and bequeath to " Mrs. Braxton the portrait of
her father 12 Mr. Charles Carter and also an engraving of a fine
head which hangs between two windows in the North East room.

Item. I give and bequeath to my friend Mrs. Ann Lee the
picture of a little girl with which she was pleased as a small
token of my affection.

Item. I give and bequeathe unto Mrs. Eliz a Randolph the
portraits of 13 Col. Peter Randolph & lady.

Item. I give and bequeath to Mrs. Ann Corbin u the picture
of her mother Mrs. Maria Beverley 15 as a small testimony of the
esteem I feel for her.

Item. I give and bequeath to Miss Elizabeth Royster a negro
man named Jack to her and her heirs forever, and for whom I
have had a bill of sale recorded. I also give her the bed on which
she lies, bedding and the bedstead called Evelyn's, with half a
doz: chairs and one walnut dressing table, I also give her one
hundred dollars.

Item. If Miss E. Royster should continue to live with me while
I remain in this world, it is my wish and desire that my execu-
tors pay her three hundred dollars in addition to the above legacy
with my best wishes for her happiness.

Item. I will and bequeath to my son 16 Charles Willing Byrd
his man Ned to him and his heirs forever. I also give him my
clock, a set of knives and forks with silver hafts, a set of castors,
the laddie and one doz. large table spoons, I also give my said
son ten portraits, to-wit: •" Mr, Waltho, one of Titian, 18 one of
Rubins, 19 one of his G. father Byrd 20 and six of his particular
friends, viz': Lord Orrery, 21 Sir Wilfried Lawson, 22 L a Oxford, 23
the marquis of Hallifax, 24 the Duke of Argyle, 25 and Sir Robert
Southall, 26 it is my will and desire, that if my said son shall find
it inconvenient to carry these portraits to his house, that they
shall be equally divided between his two brothers, 2 Richard and
28 William Byrd, and that a handsome silver coffee pot that will
hold at least two pints and a half with a tea pot, be purchased
and presented to him by them, in lieu thereof.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Rich'd Willing Byrd,
Jack Perry to him and his heirs forever, I also give him a pair of
candlesticks, a quart mug, a salver, two salt sellers, with their
spoons, and all the table spoons, except one dozen as above
mentioned, and two raguel spoons, one marrow spoon, and a
skewer, I also give my said son my urn (all these articles are of
silver) being the particular desire of his Sister.

Item. I also give my said son nine portraits, to-wit: his hon-
ored father's 29 picture at full length, it hangs in the passage; his
G. father's 30 that hangs in the South East room below stairs,
and the portrait of his first 31 and second 32 wife and five of his
particular friends and favorites, vizt: Mrs. Taylor, 83 Lady Betty
Southwell, 34 Ld. Egmont, 35 Sir Charles Wager, 3 " and Mr. Brent. 37

Item. I give my said son his choice of a pair of horses if M.
W. Nelson does not chuse to have a pair for the use of himself
and sisters.

Item. I give and' bequeath to my son William Powl Byrd,
Prank, and his wife Fanny, to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my said son, W. P. Byrd, a
pair of candlesticks, a quart mug, a salver, a fish trowel, two ra-
goul spoons, one doz. desert spoons, together with a candlestick
which was his G. Grandfathers all of silver.

Item. I likewise give him a pier glass with the family arms
painted on it, I also give him two pair of andirons one of them
belonging to the dining, and the other to the S. West chamber
below stairs. I also give my said son mv best mattress and best
English ticken bed, bolster, pillows and bedding.

Item. I give to my said son a pair of my best mules.

Item. I also give him eight portraits, to-wit: One of his G.
Father, 38 one of Mr. Dutton, 39 one of Mr. Blaithwhite,' 10 one of
Lady Betty Cromwell, 41 one of his Aunt Carter, 42 one of his
Aunt Maria Carter, 43 one of Mr. Blunt 44 and one of General
Park. 45

Item. I give and bequeath to my G. daughter Mary Willing
Nelson, 46 all of my furniture in the North West room below
stairs in addition to her own bedstead and curtains, and the pic-
ture of her papa, 47 the larger, the new Virginia cloth bed ticken,
and the bedding, also the press in the passage up stairs, the best
easy chair, the commode, a green chair to work on, a table that
holds her petrifaction now standing in the South West room,
and her bedstead now in my room.

Item. I give and bequeath to My G. Daughter Evelyn Byrd
Page all my furniture in the South West chamber, the pictures,
the andirons, and damask bed and bedding. I also give
my said G. daughter my work table, chair, belonging to it, a
piece of shell work, two birds drawn by myself, and a set of
china (green and white, the portraits of her aunt Skipwith, 48
with six chairs of her chusing ; her bed is now making up.

Item. I give and bequeath to my G. daughter Abby Nelson
all my furniture that belongs to the North West chamber up
stairs. I also give her my wardrobe, and the picture of her
uncle William Byrd, the elder, 49 with one of the pier glasses that
hangs in the dining room, the tea table in the S. East room below
stairs, and her chest of drawers, which belongs to the north
west room, and one green chair to work on, and my second
best Virginia tick bed, bedding and Mattress.

Item. I give and bequeath to my G daughter Lucy Nel-
son, 50 the portrait of my honored mother, 51 as I find it was the
particular wish of my lamented daughter, and my worked coun-
ter point with the bedsteads and curtains belonging to the S.
West room up two pair of stairs, with my press which now
stands in the passage, with two low bedsteads and beds to all
three bedsteads.

Item.. I give and bequeath to my G. daughter Ann Rosalie
Nelson, a pier glass which hangs in the dining room, also her
choice of two low bedsteads with feather beds and bedding, four
green chairs, I confirm the right given her by my daughter to
her bedstead curtains, &c. &c. in the S. west chamber, with all it
contains, the chest of drawers excepted, which is the property
of her sister M. W. Nelson: 1 also give her my silver slop
bowl, and tea spoons, and my small table.

Item. It is my will and desire that my executors advertise and
sell all that remains of the real and personal estate of my testator
agreeably to his last will and testament.

Item. It is my will and request that my executors retain so
much from the sales of the personal estate of my testator, as_shall
be sufficient to discharge the balance of the debt due me from
the estate as settled by the Commissioners, in my administration
account, who were appointed by the court of Charles City. I
am undoubtedly the first creditor, having paid debts of the first
dignity out of — own estate, and such only have I brought into
my account with the estate.

Item. I give and bequeath to all my G. sons the interest I
have in the Dismal Swamp to be equally divided between them

Item. It is my wish that my executors dispose of all my
crops that may be on hand or may be growing (when severed
from the land) and after reserving the money due me principal
and interest from the estate, and other outstanding debts, the
balance is to be divided into four equal parts.

Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Maria Horsman-
den Page one fourth of all my property so described.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Charles Willing Byrd
of West Union, Ohio, one fourth of all my property in the hands
of my executors.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Richard Willing Byrd,
of Smithfield one fourth of the above named sum.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son William Powel Byrd, of
Gloucester the remaining fourth part.

Item. It is my will and desire that a reservation of the church
land be made when Westover is sold. I refer my executors to
the green book of records.

Item. It is my will and desire that my faithful maid Jenny
Harris be emancipated whenever she may chuse it. I give and
bequeath to her a small bedstead, bed, bedding and cui tains be-
longing to it, and such of my wearing apparel as my children
may think proper for her to have, I have the fullest confidence
that they will not let her want any of the comforts of life.

Item. And lastly I appoint my sons John Page of Frederick,
Richard Willing Byrd of Smithfield, William Page of Frederick
and Benjamin Harrison of Berkeley, Charles City, Executors of
this my last will and testament, to which I have assigned my
hand and affixed my seal this of December one thousand
eight hundred and thirteen.

Mary Byrd. [Seal.]

In presence of Dunbar Gordon.

At a court held for Charles City County at the Courthouse the
20 day of April, 1814, the aforementioned last will and testament
of Mary Byrd deceased was presented in court and proved by
the oath of Dunbar Gordon, and there being no other subscrib-
ing witness to the same, Patrick Hendren, Charles Wilson and
Edward Folkes were sworn and severally deposed that they are
well acquainted with the handwriting of the testatrix and verily
believe the said will and the name thereto subscribed to be wholly
written by the testatrix own hand, whereupon the said will is
ordered to be recorded and at a — other court held for said county
as aforesaid the 18 day of August, then next ensueing, on the
motion of Richard W. Byrd, one of the executors named in
the said will who made oath thereto according to law and together
with William P. Byrd, Cary Wilkinson and Patrick Hendren
his securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty
of one hundred thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs,
certificate is granted him for obtaining a probat of said will in
due form, Liberty being reserved the other executors named in the
said will to join in the probat when they shall think fit, and at
another court held for said county as aforesaid the 17 day of
November, 181 5, on the motion of William Page another of the
executors named in the said will who took the oath of an execu-
tor, and with Benjamin Harrison and John Page sen r his securities
entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of one
hundred thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs, certifi-
cate is granted the said Page to be joined in the probat of said

A copy Teste: J. E. Major, Clerk

of Charles City County Court Va.


'Maria Horsmanden Byrd, born November 26, 1761, married
in 1784, John Page, of " Pagebrook," Frederick (now Clarke)

2 Sarah Walker Page married in 1815, Major Thomas Nelson,
of Mecklenburg county, Va.

3 Evelyn Page is not named in "The Page Family," among
the children of John Page.

4 Colonel William Byrd, of Westover, third of the name.
This portrait is owned by Mrs. Bevan, of Hazlewood, Clarke
county, a great granddaughter of Mrs. Maria Page.

5 Probably Mary, daughter of John, Duke of Marlborough,
and wife of John, second Duke of Montague. Portrait now
owned by Mrs. Bevan.

6 Evelyn Taylor Byrd, born October 13, 1766, died ,

daughter of Colonel William and Mrs. Mary Byrd; married
Benjamin Harrison, of "Brandon."

6a Evelyn, daughter of Colonel William Byrd, 2d, by his first
marriage, died unmarried, November 13, 1737, in her twenty-
ninth year. Portrait at Brandon.

7 John Page, of " Pagebrook." Second son of Robert Page,
of " Broadneck," Hanover county, was born June 29, 1760,
and died September 17, 1838.

8 There is a portrait of a Maria Byrd at Upper Brandon.

9 Thomas Taylor Byrd, born January 17, 1752; married Mary

10 John Carter Byrd, born January 27, 1 7 5 1 ; married the widow
of William Randolph, of "Wilton," and d. s. p. This portrait
is owned by Mr. George H. Byrd, of New York, who also has
that of Thomas Taylor Byrd.

11 Mary, daughter of Charles Carter, of " Shirley," born 1763,
married George Braxton.

12 Charles Carter, of "Shirley," born 1732, died 1806; mem-
ber of the first State Council in 1776. Brother of the first wife
of Colonel William Byrd, 3d. This portrait is believed to be
owned by a descendant of the Braxton family.

13 Colonel Peter Randolph, of " Chatsworth," Henrico county;
member of the Council, and Receiver-General of the customs;
married Lucy, daughter of Robert Boiling. Mr. E. C. Mayo,
of Richmond, owns portraits of these two persons. A portrait
of Mrs. Lucy (Boiling) Randolph, formerly at Chatsworth, is now
owned by Mrs. Landonia Minor, of Richmond.

14 Ann, wife of Francis Corbin, and daughter of Robert Bev-
erly, of " Blandfield," Essex, and his wife Maria Carter.

15 Maria, daughter of Landon Carter, of " Sabine Hall," Rich-
mond county, and wife of Robert Beverley. Her mother was
Maria, daughter of Colonel William Byrd, 2d. The present
ownership of this portrait is unknown.

16 Charles Willing Byrd, born July 6, 1770, was United States
Judge in Ohio; married Sarah Meade.

17 Nathaniel Walthoe was clerk of the General Assembly in
1744, and died April 1772, leaving his sister Henrietta, and his
nieces Mary and Martha Hart, all of Great Britain, his heirs.
The portrait at Brandon.

18 There is owned in California a Venus from the Westover col-
lection, said to be this picture by Titian.

19 Mrs! Bevan, of Clarke county, owns a portrait of a man,
from the Westover collection, said to be by Reubens.

20 This was of course Colonel William Byrd, 2d. This por-
trait at Brandon.

21 Charles Boyle, fourth Earl of Orrery, who, in the epitaph of
William Byrd, 2d, is spoken of as his friend, died in 1731. Por-
trait at Brandon.

22 Probably Sir Wilfred Lawson, third baronet, of Brayton,
Cumberland, who was Member Parliament for Cockemouth,
groom of the bedchamber to George I, and died 1737. Portrait
owned by Mrs. Randal, Baltimore.

23 Probably the celebrated statesman, Robert Harley, Earl of
Oxford, who died July 1,1717. Present ownership of the por-
trait not known.

2 * Probably the eminent statesman, Charles Montague, Earl of
Halifax, who died in 17 15. Portrait at Brandon.

25 John, second Duke of Argyle, who died in 1743. He held
a prominent position as a statesman and as a soldier, but is now
best known as "Jennie Deans' s Duke of Argyle." Portrait at

26 Sir Robert Southwell, born 1635, died 1702, was a diplo-
matist of note, and was for five years President of the Royal •
Society. William Byrd, 2d, was educated under his care and
direction. Portrait at Brandon.

27 Richard Willing Byrd, born October, 1774, resided in Isle
of Wight county, and was member of the House of Delegates.
Died at Westover, October, 1815. He married first, Lucy,
daughter of Benjamin Harrison, of " Brandon; " secondly, Emily

28 William Powell Byrd, of Gloucester county, married Susan,
daughter of Addison Lewis, of Gloucester county.

29 Colonel William Byrd, 3d, of Westover. This is the second
portrait of his named, one of the two, is, as has been stated,
owned by Mrs. Bevan. The ownership of the other is unknown.

30 Colonel William Byrd, 2d. This is the second portrait of
him mentioned. Onwership unknown.

31 Lucy, daughter of Colonel Daniel Parke, Jr. Owned by
Mrs. Stewart, of " Brook Hill," Henrico Co., Va.

32 Mary, daughter of Thomas Taylor, of Kensington, England;
married Colonel William Byrd, 2d, of Westover; died April 28,
1771. Owned by Mrs. Bevan.

33 Sister or sister-in-law of Mrs. Mary (Taylor) Byrd. Portrait
at Brandon.

34 Sir Robert Southwell married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir
Edward Dering, " a very pretty woman," according to Pepys.
Ownership of portrait not known. There was at Brandon the
portrait of " Mrs. Sutherland."

33 This portrait at Brandon, is, probably correctly called Lord
Egmont. No doubt John Percival, first Earl of Egmont (1683-

36 Sir Charles Wager (1663-1743) a distinguished naval officer
of the reign of Anne. Portrait at Brandon.

37 The subject of this portrait cannot be identified, nor is the
present ownership known.

38 A third portrait of Colonel William Byrd, 2d. Its where-
abouts not known. Perhaps this maybe the picture at Brandon.

39 Owned by Mrs. Randal, Balcimore.

40 Doubtless William Blaithwayt, Auditor General for America.
Ownership of portrait not known.

41 Otherwise called, at present, Lady Claypole. Portrait at
Brandon. She was daughter of Oliver Cromwell.

42 Anne, daughter William Byrd, 2d, born February 5, 1725,
died September 11, 1757, married Charles Carter, of "Cleve."
Ownership of portrait not known.

43 Maria Byrd, sister of preceding, born January 26, 1727,
died September 29, 1744, married Landon Carter, of "Sabine
Hall." Ownership not known.

44 Probably a mistake for " Miss Blunt." There is a portrait
at Upper Brandon, said to be of Patty Blount, the friend of Pope.

45 Daniel Parke, Jr. , son of Colonel Daniel Parke, of the Vir-
ginia Council, was born 1669 and killed in Antigua in 17 10. Aid
to Marlborough at Blenheim, and Governor of the Leeward Is-
lands. His daughter Lucy married Colonel William Byrd, 2d.

46 Daughter of Judge William Nelson and his wife Abby,

daughter of Colonel William Byrd. She married Pickens,

of South Carolina.

47 William Nelson, Judge of District Court of Virginia; died
in 181 3, age about 59. Ownership of portrait not known.

48 Elizabeth Hill Byrd, born November 29, 1754, married first James Parke Farley; second, Rev. John Dunbar; third, Colonel
Henry Skipwith, and died in Williamsburg, August 6, 1819.
Ownership of portrait not known.

49 William Byrd, born August 2, 1749, was a lieutenant in the
17th (English) regiment, and died while traveling in France, July,
1771. Portrait at Upper Brandon. Another was at Brandon;
but was stolen by Federal Soldiers.

50 Lucy, daughter of Judge William Nelson; married Benja-
min Harrison of "Berkeley."

51 Mrs. Ann (Shippen ) Willing, of Philadelphia. Portrait
owned by Mrs. Bevan.

In addition to the portraits named in this will there is a portrait
of William Byrd, 1st, owned by Mrs. Geo. B. Harrison, Wash-
ington, D. C, and a portrait of " Lord Albermarle," at Brandon.

Source: Virginia Will Records, pg 690-696; Virginia Will Records Chapter: Will of Mrs. Mary Willing Byrd, of Westover, 1813, with a List of the Westover Portraits


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