There is this famous debate about how exactly the Ponim Meirot was related to the Shach. I'm just throwing in my 2 cents.
In a story which I have added on as a source in the Sefer Tzdaikim (story 87), the anecdote about this woman tells is that she had to flee to Vilna and somehow ended up in the home of the Shach's parents in law and then becoming the Shach's father-in law's second wife.
This story is also mentioned in Sheficus Hanefesh from Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Farber (Inside his book Siach Zvi) and he saw this incident in a book other than Sefer Tzdaikim but he does not say what that book is.
Because things are still not quite right on GENI here is a brief summary of the situation. This is a quote from the blogpost summary of Wakstein :
"Apparently, the aforementioned Rabbi Shimon Wolf had several marriages. A] The first one's name and her father's name are unknown. From this marriage, his daughter was born - the wife of the Shach. B] The second, Mrs. Esther A.H., the sister of the Shach. From this pairing, the mother of the "bright face" was born . C] In a third marriage, he married Martha Bila AH, daughter of Rabbi Hirsch Dahliner." So according to this, Esther was the mother of the mother of Ponim Meiros.
I don't know how Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Brisk & Lublin enters the picture, but perhaps he is the father of the first wife of R' Shimon Wolf mentioned above, in which case he would be the Shakh's wife's maternal grandfather.. I have no evidence of this besides the fact that somehow R' YH Levenstam has become the father of wife, Benjamin Zev Wolf Ashkenazi on Geni.
Another possibility on the spouses is that Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Brisk & Lublin aka as Lubliner,,is the same as the R' Hirsh Delhiner mentioned above whose daughter was the third spouse of R' Shimon Wolf (but which did not lead to Panim Meiros, nor was married to the Shakh).