According to my research I found the following information:
There is a photo of one of the Tsar's brothers or cousins who is over 6foot tall on board the HMS Marlborough in cossack dress.
King George of England sent HMS Marlborough, an unheralded & unescorted ship to Constantinople April 7, 8,9,10,& 11, 1919 to rescue the Imperial family who was then received at Yalta or Malta. There was also a ship the HMS Lord Nelson destined for Genoa with family members on board.
Vice Admiral Sir Frances Pridham.
Captain C.D. Johnson.
The Imperial family had 4 summer palaces.
They boarded with 200 tons of luggage.
The Romanov's had been a dynasty since 1613.
Tsar Alexander III had nephritis.
Princess Irena died 1989 daughter of Princess Nadezhda Orloff who died in NY 1961 and born 5/24/1896 in St. Petersburg.