Georg Gaugusch has on page 552 that Gertraud Koblenzer born 1797 daughter of Moses Koblenzer and Mathilde Mandl, married Aron (Arnold) Engel.
In the Statuten, Wachstein has Arnold Engel (#21) married to Gertrud T. Moses Koblenzer ("s. oben Nr. 9").
So far, so good.
But in #9 Moses Koblenzer, Wachstein refers to two different Moses Koblenzers. One (the one signing the Statuten) is married to Charlotte (Anna, Nanette) daughter of Philipp Abraham. Another Moses is "Schwager des Joachim Leidesdorfer"
In Nachlässe, page 171 [48] we find Moyses Koblenzer d. 1805, with 3 adult children Magdalena Leidesdorfer, Moritz Koblenzer and Cäcilie.
Question: Is Gertraud the wife of Arnold Engel also the daughter Moses d. 1805, Schwager (machatenem) of Joachim Leidesdorfer? If so, why is Gertraud b. 1797 not mentioned in the Nachlässe?
I am confused. Maybe you can help me work it out.
Moriz Moyses Koblenzer
Moses Halevi Koblenz