Does anyone know where the evidence / suggestion that Ragnild married Ferguard FitzAlan of Lochaber, Thane of Lochaber comes from? The most I can find is this citation: http://www.mathematical.com/eriksdottirragnild.html - which itself views the match as unlikely.
It isn't that it is impossible - just that she was surely too busy marrying and murdering Thorfinn Skullsplitter's sons and grandsons (according to the Orkneying Saga), to be marrying in Lochaber too?
Any thoughts?
The only place I have found with a source(?) reference to this connection is:
but that page are missing two of the Thorfinsson brothers which is the main key in the saga about her.
One of the reviews of the book The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland which is used as "source" tells: "I used to believe the fraudulent claims of Michael of Albany. The fact that he was a very bad historian (the footnotes are few and vague, and his "arguments" are often little more than leaps of faith)..."
and as I said that "source" leaves out the key information about Ragnhild (and the reason for the English nick "The Wicked"), the marriage and killing of the three Thorfinsson brothers is left out.
As per this discussion, I am severing Ferquard from Ragnhild, before she gets the chance to murder him too :-) http://www.geni.com/discussions/113421?msg=821610