It's hard for me to see if I have founde the right Geni-profile for Josef Kohn. And I'm not informed at all about your reference Gaugusch's,
I had a message disucussion here with a Geni user last week and understand there are some confusion about MD and Med. dr. and it's differences between MD PhD and Med. dr. It's international konsensus today and the standards might have changed since 1200 AD, but the possibilities was also a little bit different in year 1200 AD : ).
But within the collegium it's very clear and has always been what it, at actual time, stands for. We know quite well when changes are made in the use and what new standards are used.
If you cannot find a doctoral thesis from a specified university for Josef Kohn, then he should NOT be titled "Med. dr.". A 'master degree' in medicine is named MD. A master degree in other areas is named Master of Sc. Good universities have all thesis on the different levels Bc, Master and doctoral level in their catalouge.
BSc in medicine is usually called Med. kand. and in good universities you can check up the thesis on this lower level too at the faculties.
The older Josef one was born as Schaje according to: