Bergjlot (Thorborg) Halfdansdottir - Alternative data from Merges

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, August 28, 2012
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Birth Surname Spelling [added to aka] Halvdansdotter Halfdansdottir

Surname Hálfdanardóttir OR (Thorborg) Halfdansdottir

I'm having difficulty following this line. Her daugther's Wikipedia page:

lists her mother as Bergljot Halvdansdottir but no lineage is attached to the mother.

This Medlands link in her profile:

seems to refer to a different person:

"RAGNHILD Paulsdatter . Orkneyinga Saga names (in order) “Thora…Ingirid…Herbjorg…Ragnhild” as the daughters of “Earl Paul Thorfinnson” and his wife, adding that Ragnhild was mother of “Benedikt, father of Ingibjorg, mother of Erling the archdeacon” and “a daughter…Bergljot, who married Havard Gunnason, and their sons were Magnus, Hakon Claw, Dufniall and Thorstein”[950]. "

As does this link also from her profile:

" SIGURD Jarl (-murdered Oglo 962). Snorre names Sigurd as son of "Earl Hakon Grjotgardson" when recording that he succeeded as ruler of Trondheim after his father died, with his mansion at Hlader[72]. He was a supporter of Haakon I King of Norway, he was confirmed as Jarl in Tröndheim[73]. He was betrayed to King Harald by his brother Grjotgard and burned in his house with all his men[74]. m BERGLJOT Thoresdotter, daughter of THORE Ragnvaldsson "Tause/the Silent" Jarl of Möre & his wife Alof Haraldsdatter "Aarbod/Season-bettering" of Norway. The Historia Norwegie names "Bergliota filia Thoris Tacentis", from "nobilissima Morensium ac Halogensium comitum prosapia", as the wife of "Siwardo"[75]. Snorre names "Bergljot, a daughter of Earl Thorer the Silent" & his wife as the wife of Sigurd[76]. "

I'm uncertain why the links to different women of the same name are listed in her profile, because I don't see them as the same person. Either I'm misinerpreting what I'm reading or these aren't the same person.

In any case, I can follow on back on her father's line but I can't sort out the documentation for her mother. I only read English and I was able to use Google translate on some sites but not others.

Her husband's Wikipedia lists her father but not her mother:

Any assistance in helping with documentation, preferably in English, on her mother's lineage would be appreciated. Thanks.

Have I just lost the plot? :-) I can't see a medlands link at all, Debbie.

Happy to spend time here helping you, if you think it's got mucked up. Bjorn might be as well.

Following your link above:

THORFINN "the Black", son of SIGURD "Digri" Jarl of Orkney and Caithness & his wife Donada of Scotland ([1009]-[1060/65], bur Birsay, Christchurch). ...

m ([1045/50]%29 [as her first husband,] INGIBJÖRG Finnsdatter, daughter of FINN Arnesson [later Jarl of Halland in Denmark] & his wife Bergliot Halfdansdatter ([1030/35]-). Orkneyinga Saga names Earl Thorfinn’s wife as “Ingibjorg, the Earls’-Mother, daughter of Earl Finn Arnason” and niece of Kalf Arnason[888]. Snorre names "Ingebjorg, the earl-mother…a daughter of Fin Arnason" as wife of Earl Thorfin[889]. Morkinskinna records that “Thorfinn jarl [of] Orkney” was married to “Kálfr’s sister Ingibjorg Árnasdóttir” at the time Kalf Arnesson fled Norway[890]. The chronology is certainly tight for Ingibjörg to have been Kalf’s niece, if it is correct that she was already married when Kalf fled Norway, which must be dated to [1040/42] from the context in Morkinskinna. Her birth date is estimated on the basis of the estimated birth dates of her mother and her older son, both of which are restricted. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Ingibjorg the Earls’-Mother” (widow of Thorfinn) married “Malcolm King of Scots, known as Long-neck” (Malcolm III "Caennmor/Bighead" King of Scotland) and that “their son was Duncan, King of Scots, father of William”[891]. There must be considerable doubt about whether this can be correct. Ingibjörg's [first] husband died in [1060/65]. King Malcolm's marriage to Queen Margaret is dated to 1070, three years after her arrival at the Scottish court. Although this provides sufficient time after the death of her first husband for the king to have married Ingebjörg, and for Ingebjörg to have died, the chronology for the birth of two sons would be tight. In addition, it is unlikely that either of these sons was born after [1065], as explained in SCOTLAND KINGS. If the king had really married Ingibjörg during this time, and if she had given birth to two sons, the absence of any reference to her in either Scottish or English sources is all the more surprising. It is possible that King Malcolm's marriage to Ingibjörg (if it did take place) was more Danico, implying concubinage rather than regular marriage, but this does not change the chronological difficulties. The one puzzle which remains, if the Saga is not correct, is why the author would have fabricated this detail.

Sorry, Sharon, I had mentioned that I got the info from her daughter's profile but didn't provide her link. They came from here:

Ingibjörg Finnsdóttir

I'm just needing clarification about the mother connected for Bergliot Halfdansdatter. Most of the info I found was about the daughter I just posted about and her mother either not being listed or being listed as Bergliot Halfdansdatter but then it gets fuzzy for me trying to trace Berliot's mother and those Medland links seem to me to be talking about different Bergliot's and not the one listed in the links I provided that came from ngibjörg Finnsdóttir's profile. Or else I'm totally confused, which could possibly be the case. lol

HALFDAN Sigurdsson. Snorre names "Guthorm, the eldest, then Gunhild, the next Halfdan, Ingerid and Harald" as the children of Sigurd & his wife[295]. Morkinskinna names (in order) “Gudrødr…Hálfdan…Ingibjorg…Gunnhildr, Haraldr” as the children of “Sigurdr sýr” and his wife “Ásta daughter of Gudbrandr”[296]. m ---. The name of Halfdan's wife is not known. Halfdan & his wife had one child:
(a) THORBERG [Bergliot] Halfdansdatter ([1018/20-).

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