Fay Elizabeth Dyer unfortunately the revisions tab is not working in my account, because the Geni software stucks caused by my more than 90,000 followed profiles and concerning revisions, these are to much to show !
Mike Stangel When MOST REVISIONS is such an important issue that this count for the TOP TEN USERS, why cannot this be mentioned on the STATISTICS on the profile page of each user ?
Fay Elizabeth Dyer I don't understand what you want. If you go to your prophilepage and click on the
Activity tab, then you can see the number of uploaded video's under User Statistics Video's Added..
Okay, now2 I understand you! Video's are so rare here, that these are less important for genealogy, more for social networking. documents are essential for the proof of data!
By the way, the competition for the best user was started now and that is a pity, because the most important work of a lot of curators, helping other users, can be interrupterd by the work to improve the numbers of followed prophiles, collaborators, familygroupmembers, added photo's, etc. which are less important ..........
Curator nomination form is at
We could remove revisions from Top 10, now that no one has the counter. But I wanted to see what people thought before doing that. I doubt anyone will touch the ones in the top 10, since I think they all attained their position using scripts. But, it was nice to have a 10th category for the Decathlon.
It is easy to find!
1. ANCESTORS for a profile:
2. change Ancestors into Family Tree in the Groupfield and you see 2785 people, so everybody can see this!
Now I remember. There is a 5,000 cap of the family tree counter (like ancestors, blood relatives, descendants -- all the most interesting ones). That is why I did not include it originally. See Maria Theresa , Erzherzogin von Österreich und Königin von Ungarn und Böhmen