Geni is not giving blood links when they exist in its own database, see this case, or I am ot understanding something

Started by Private User on Saturday, July 14, 2012
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Private User
7/14/2012 at 3:54 PM

This is the copy of a message I sent to someone who is a direct descendant of the same great grandfather:
"" Hi Marika!: I was checking Cecil B. De Mile and I found you, but Geni report does not reflect our supposed blood relationship, we are both grandchildren of Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portucale, as given by Geni, instead gives this one:
“Marika Hakola is your 18th cousin 6 times removed's wife's 22nd cousin 6 times removed.”, not a blood link… How unexpected.. Best regards, Sergio Alves (what are we from the link of this common grandfather?

Victor Hugo Alves Vergara
your father

show 92 relatives →
V. Rinne
his son

M. Hakola
his daughter

Marika Hakola is Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portucale's 28th great granddaughter
Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portucale is your 29th great grandfather.

Victor Hugo Alves Vergara
your father

show 28 relatives →
Afonso I o Conquistador, rei de Portugal
her father

Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portucale
his father

7/15/2012 at 7:28 PM

It might help to follow your own ancestral path up thru the generations to CB deMile then down thru the generations to Marika, thereby "teaching" Geni the most direct path between yourselves.

Private User
7/17/2012 at 9:05 PM

Thanks Alex, I really hope Geni "learns". I constantly finding out links like that one, not only with respect to myself...But I have a worst problem, I have my brothers duplicated and I cannot fix it, I gave up for a while, got tired..

7/17/2012 at 9:21 PM

Worse than that Sergio, you have two mothers!

7/18/2012 at 5:11 AM

Hello Sergio, I see you're now following me, be welcome to do so. I checked our path and I see there is an indirect relationship between us. Sometimes the paths differ depending on the curator or manager of the person you're interested in. Geni's Search engine tries to follow the shortest path. Sometimes it happens that more important bloodlinks are ignored. All that gets corrected with time, as the merges take place. In order to do that you must be aware of the "matching" profiles you're being informed of. I checked the "de Blois" name, with which you have a link, and also Alfonso I o Conquistador who is also one of my great grandfathers. That means there should be a more direct bloodlink between us. It also happens that when you are investigating something, the existing links you have get distorted, the way to correct that is to go person by person, father to son, or mother to son until you relocate the old path. It requires patience but it works. It also helps to use the information of other genealogical networks such a Geneanet, Ancestry, etc. Anyhow, I find Geni perhaps the best and swiftest of them all. Have a good day !

Private User
7/20/2012 at 10:41 PM

Thanks Gustavo, all very interesting. I read something you wrote to Mr. Vaz. Are you related to Cristina Ferrero Tamayo? I don't know why right now but I heard about Ferrero Tamayo's when i was a kid. Are you Venezuelan? Best Regards, Sergio

7/21/2012 at 4:25 AM

Hello Sergio,

yes I am Venezuelan, from caracas, my mother is from Bogotá, and yes, Cristina Ferrero Tamayo (+) was my aunt, she died some 10 years ago. She was a sociologist and writer, very bright. She was the youngest of the Ferrero Tamayo's, my father is Gustavo Ferrero Tamayo (89), architect and Urban Planner. If you look me up in FACEBOOK as Gustavo Ferrero you will see pictures of the 11 brothers in 1938. Why should you have heard of them, where are you from ? My father was a good friend of Roberto Burle Marx and Oscar Niemeyer. I have books in my library autographed by them, I presume you're Brazilian, by the way we have a relationship with Pedro I and also Leopoldine. Fondest regards, Gustavo.

7/21/2012 at 6:33 AM

By the way, two days ago I discovered that if you pinpoint in GENI a son of yours, your father, or a first cousin, to find a determinate relationship, Geni will not necesarily show you the same sequence. Doing that you may find a way to correct "glitches" or distorted paths.

Private User
7/21/2012 at 9:09 PM

Gustavo que pequenho es el mundo, si, mi madre me dijo que conocio a tu tia cuando recien llego a Venezuela en los setentas, y que tu tia le ensenho a escribier el curriculum al estilo que se usaba en Venezuela, por eso es que yo oi de ella y todavia me acordaba. Te busque en facebook pero hay cuatro, y no se pueden ver las fotos de ninguno o no hay fotos de familia. Un abrazo Gustavo.
En estos dias ando super ocupado, por eso a veces no contesto con la premura que quisiera. Mi padre y mi madre son uruguayos, pero mi padre tiene un tal 100% "brasileiro", su madre nunca hablo espanhol sin acento, y el abuelo de mi padre era brasilero, en fin, por todos lados es de apellidos o brasileros o espanholes, pero del Brasil, los Vergara. El asunto es que la zona de Cerro Largo y Treinta y Tres, en una de las fronteras con Brasil estaba poblada 100% por brasileros (o brasilenhos), eran la misma gente que en Rio Grande do Sul, la frontera no existia...Tengo un libro que habla de ellos, y de un tatara abuelo paterno dice que venia de la corte de Rio, y otras cosas, pero no tengo de el mas info genealogica anterior, pero si que habia comprado muchisima tierra, 1800"s...David Fernandes/z de Soto/Souto,ese es el que quiero investigar...

Private User
7/21/2012 at 9:14 PM

Bueno, para ser fiel a los detalles mi abuela Petrona Alcira Fernandes Vergara (Vergara por el padre, segun nomenclatura portuguesa, era nacida y criada en el Brasil...

Private User
7/21/2012 at 9:19 PM

For everyone else: I am sorry I switched to Spanish, it is just that Gustavo and I discovered that my mother knew his late aunt, from South America, long ago, and it was kind of automatic, but I know it is not nice... I will give some translation later...small world...

7/22/2012 at 5:34 AM

El mundo es muy pequeño Sergio, Mi tía se retiró a vivir sus últimos años en un sitio alto desde donde se veía el mar. Ella tuvo sólo una hija, Carmen, a quien veo poco porque no vive en Caracas. Allí escribió sus últimos trabajos y vivió, por cierto, con un Uruguayo quien también murió ya. Yo tengo 62 años, soy arquitecto me gradué en Bogotá y mi esposa es de allá. Voy a desbloquear FB para que puedas acceder a las fotos. En mensaje privado te enviaré mas información, Un abrazo y saludo muy cordial desde esta tierra con preocupaciones que esperamos comenzar a disipar el 7 de Octubre de este año.

Private User
8/22/2012 at 9:53 PM

Estoy de acuerdo contigo, el 7 se deberia disipar la vaina esta..segun geni soy pariente en algun grado del aspirante. Un dia de estos abres las fotos otra vez que nunca las vi, un abrazo, Sergio

8/23/2012 at 6:14 AM

Buenos días Sergio, creo que supe como desbloquear las fotos de Facebook
Ensaya y me dices,


Gustavo Ferrero

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