Mike Stangel If I look on the Overview tab of my profile, in the list of Statistics, I see Following 30,214. But if I go to the Activity tab it shows Following 12 of 31,825. So which is correct? 30,214 or 31,825?
I have no idea how I got to be following so many. Perhaps it has to do with how many I have added by hand and those are automatically followed?
Mike Stangel, did you run the script for all or just for Randy? Because I would like for me to, since all my family was introduced before «followers» are implemented.
Mike Stangel My counter still doesn't reflect the new following figure so I can't tell if it worked, but I think it did. When does the counter get reset?
Mike Stangel, would you do the same for me? I've been fighting it, but the last few days I've focused specifically on noticing the benefits of following, and I'm realizing I was wrong to resist it ;)