Chaya Lubarski-Zaslavski (Brezlover dau.), חיה לוברסקי-זסלבסקי - Children of Aharon Zaslavski and Chaya Lubarski

Started by Arie Leib Wishnia on Tuesday, May 29, 2012
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According to Chart lll (in the book "Ad Boa HaMashiach" Aharon and Chaya had 3 children. They were Yechiel who married Sterna-Sacha (the daughter of Nachman "Chayeles" Lubarski), Adil who married Avraham (Sfarad) of Kiniev and Rachel who married Yitzchok (family name or fathers name unknown). Please clarify your statement that there were no children from the second marriage of Chaya Lubarski-Zaslavski.
Arie Wishnia


I'm sorry to say that I have no clue

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