Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in the Family Reunion that is scheduled for July 3 - 14, 2013. We are now taking taking a survey on the interest. Please let me know by May 28 since the hotel, Hilton Euston, is looking for a committment. The banquet is going to be held there so, even if you don't plan on staying there, please let me know if you plan on attending the festivities and the banquet.
May 28 has come and gone and we only heard from a few of our family members to date. I know several members don't want to commit this early but we cannot plan without a decent count.
We will probably change the venue to the Holiday Inn London-Camden Lock.
For those that have been quiet, especially those that are in the UK that don't need a reservation for hotel stay, please let us know in the next week or so. I estimate that the banquet will cost about $85 per person.
Please let respond quickly