Rob Lowe - Who Do You Think You Are

Started by Rhonda Dornblaser on Saturday, April 28, 2012
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I enjoyed seeing Rob Lowe's geneiology journey last night on Who Do You Think You Are. I was surprised to learn today we are cousins (16th once removed). It only took going back almost 500 years to find our grandmother's were half sisters. Computerized geneology is amazing. Our relarionship is on his father's side of the family.

I have been learning new sources of records by watching the show. Last night Rob visited the Daughter's of the American Revolution library in Washington, D.C. I will be checking that out asI have a grandfather, many greats back, that fought in the American Revolutionary War also. Doing geneology has brought American History alive for me.

Who else out there got the Rob Lowe is your relative Geni e-mail?

Rob is my 24 cousin thrice removed. I must agree with Rhonda, discovering all these familymembers and relatives really makes history interesting. And you guys should check out the european lines as well, theres a LOT to discover yet! =)

Thanks for the feedback.I checked it out Katherie we are cousins too. 24th Cousins 4 times removed with Urraea de Portugal being our common ancestor. .

I have been spending my time gathering sources on my ancestor William Brewster the elder on the Mayflower pilgrims to America, but my family has a lot of interesting European connections too, Like my 20th great grandfather, King Edward the First, 24th great grandfather, William the Conquer and cousins Napoleon and King Christian the 2nd of Denmark. My family was not aware we had English heritage until I poked around the mormon website several years ago. It's very fascinating to us.

I see you are in Norway. My grandmother was Finn.

Rob Lowe is my 23rd cousin twice removed :)

Rob Lowe my your 13th cousin thrice removed by way of my 11th great grandmother's ( my 11th GGM Agnes Campbell (Keith), Countess of Moray) sister: Lady Elizabeth Irvine.

It is a fun show!

I am having fun finding new cousins here.

It looks like Terri is the closest to Rob so far, being a 13th cousin. Terri we are 16th cousins once removed via our relative Adam ap Howell Turberville a 17th great grandfather.

Rebecca we are 24th cousins once removed with King Ranald MacSorely (Kintryre Scotland) our 23rd great grandfather. Your photo resembles my fair haired family.

Any more cousins out there?

Rob Lowe is my 25th cousin thrice removed

I enjoy watching this show, and also have family who fought in the American Revolution. Rob Lowe is my 13th4xr cousin through the Lyon Family.

Rob Lowe is my 16th cousin. I really enjoyed the episode with the twists and turns (Patriot ancestor - no he isn't - yes, he is!)

We have a project for DAR qualified ancestors

Rob's my 18th Cuz once removed...

Rob Lowe is my 23rd cousin twice removed.

Rob Lowe is my 16th cousin 1x removed. I watch that show every week. I also watch a show called Finding Your Roots. I beleive it's on at 7:00 PM central time.

Adding to above I meant to say that FYR is on Sunday nite

He is my 21st cousin. :-)

Rob Lowe is my 19th cousin.

Oh, darn! I didn't get one of those "Rob Lowe is your cousin" emails! Just watched the episode with my daughter, earlier this afternoon. Certainly my favorite episode so far. I'd sure like to visit the D.A.R. library, someday!

Robe Lowe is my 19th cousin twice removed

Rob Lowe is my 17th once removed, Hello cousin!!!!

He is my18th cousin once removed

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