I'm trying to merge two profiles - one of which I am the manager of and one of which is an active user. He said he can't complete the merge, so he joined my family group to do so.
This user is Stuart Prottas: Stuart Prottas
I am trying to merge him with Stuart <delete> Prottas
But it doesn't let me complete the merge and apparently he can't either. Help?
Hi Scott
since this is a merge between a private profile (yours) and a claimed account / manager I think there are 2 options to resolve this situation
1 if you are a family group member of Stuart , he can temporarily change his settings at http://www.geni.com/account_settings/permissions/6000000000061269191, to allow you to edit his profile and then I think you should be able to complete the merge
2. Geni can do this for you but only if it is requested by Stuart
Unfortunately there are a bunch of managers of the original, now duplicate profile, so it appears I can't delete it. Stuart is pretty responsive, so I sent him option 1 and we'll go from there. However we may need to repeat this step with his son and his brother who now has 2 duplicates, one of which is a clone of Stuart's sister-in-law.