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tänan selle vastuse eest. Minu eesti keel on tehniliselt/arvuti keeles puudulik. Ma pole kunagi "postitustest" kuulnud. Kuidas ma saan midagi kustutada kui midagi ei ole olemas?? Olen palju aega raisanud. "Remove" midagi ei kustuta. Ma ei tea kuidas need "inimesed" ilmusid. Tahaks neid
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Ise lisatud kommentaari kustutamiseks on "Kustuta":
Enda Nimi
10.3.2012, kell 12:15 PM
Teata sobimatust | Kustuta
Et eemaldada kaardikest puuvaates on .X. ülal paremas nurgas, mis näitab "Kustuta see isik oma puust" -- kogemata haihtunud isikukirjet saab vajadusel taastada.
Nimede sisestamisel on kasutusel erinevaid viise, üks nendest on kirjas selles projektis, Andmete sisestamise põhimõtted (
Private User, Mike Stangel This is very good example of the profile page Add Relatives sub-window (when adding multiple relatives simultaneously) bug.
Similar case - 3...8 x First Name Last Name with "Invalid e-mail address" warnings have been also happened to me.
Must say itäs really anoying to have written names for the whole family and the "witout doing anything" the Firts name Last name -profile drop in. Whar's easiest? start all over again or save them all and next step Go to the tree vue and x-mark them and save a new tree`It depends on the wheather.
Things like this make me say Geni is technical immature. (The search function is surprisingly premature. 20 hits on the p. 1, as om p.2 but with half of the first 20 from p. 1. On p. 5-6 there is only one new hit. The rest, 19 out of 20, are hits from p. 1-4).
Maybe it would be better to change the "First Name Last Name" profiles to correct names if there is correct information available? The manager might not be aware that making such profiles is considered to be spam or something like that and she want´s to be the manager of the profiles to change them later. Maybe someone can change the profiles later so the "changer" doesn´t have to make a new profile. That might be reasonable if someone would like to correct it and he/she is not a PRO member.
Jaak Tulp, the problem is, they are not a result of not knowing names, but of 'wrong' use of the input-possibility, especially when you do not have enough experience in working in Geni it can happen quit often and make you hopeless about this system. At that moment you start to loose the envie to continue to get a PRO-account..... Hope they fix it in a way you can see what you did wrong, I know as a result or ICT-experience, but that is the 'targit-user' for geni.
the profile First Name Last Name can also be a result of someone's input using it this way to get a profile for a name he/she doesn't know yet, but mostly people fill in NN or unknown, or something like that. See also:
OK, now i understand, thanx! I have no problem understanding english, it´s just that i did not look at the problem from the right angle. It is about the way of input, not the format of input. I have always used yellow arrows from tree view to add profiles and never used the link from profile view, that´s why i didn´t understand. My thought was that if a person makes deliberately a "no name" or "first name last name" profile to be able to change it later then why delete it if someone else could add the correct information? Why it is necessary to take one´s management rights just because the profile is not "acceptable"? Of course it is not nice and sometimes it is a problem of privacy. I try to keep my list of deleted profiles as short as possible, because you never know when someoner restores them re-creating duplicate profiles somewhere and there is the so-called "multiple parents problem". Ok that goes off topic so, let´s leave it!
I am talking about button/link of each managed profile page: Add Immediate Family.
This pop-up form / sub-window sometimes creates momentarily long list of First Name Last Nime profiles from its empty rows.
This is real bug as user shall go now into tree view and delete them one-by-one.
Maybe half of these:
3426 people are result of such bug
+ (194 people)
We've created a ticket for this issue and are looking into it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention - we weren't aware that it was happening. Don't forget that you can always file reports of bugs you find here:
This <First name Last Name> does occure without touching the fields!! One can put in correct names for a wife/husband/siste/brother/son/daughter and when moving to the Save-button all the resting empty field are filled with <First name Last Name>. You cannot deleat them. If you press the Save button you have the one you wanted to register + 3-4 <First name Last Name>. It took me some time to learn how to deleat them and now I just quit and restart the register form for to register the one I wants to register. It migth be called a "bug" or what so ever. I don't touch the fields and suddenly it's just there!
It might have to do with the name guessing system overall (when tüping tekst into a message and you leave the message body, you might get "Your reply" into the message. When searching for name that is considered to be inside the 4th cousins area or family group member or smth like that, then the search engine will not search for all the identical names, but goes on the profile. Something also needs to be done with the place-guessing system. I always use details for editing, because if i click on the search result then it does not fill the correct fields of the place and most of the time some information gets lost, so i have to manually edit the fields anyway. I hope the explanation was understandable.
Sometimes clicking on pre-filled text the text doesn´t get cleared, but will remain as it was and turns all text i type to gray as it were the same pre-filled text. The problem has been all the time as long i can remember.
Something is obviously made. I filled in mother, father, one brother and three to four sisters clicked the Add too family and started to wait. It was not all the sisters but I don't dare to Add another family-member since the server will not enter that. If many children I always just fill one form at the time. Now I saved and when I had waited "A cup of coofee"-time it was Your data is saved message and the Profile is still empty! (If it was money-transfers be sure the Team would not accept this kind of funtion in the system.)