... please go to this discussion - http://www.geni.com/discussions?discussion_type=project-10594 where a project has been set up looking for clarification and identification of van den/der Berg progenitors.
Thanks June, I would appreciate a link to this v/d Berg ancester line of mine, could not yet research this link.
Christina Johanna Pieterse (Breet)(van den Berg)
I have been adding more people to the body of the project - http://www.geni.com/projects/van-den-r-Berg-South-African-Progenitors and loading the documents I have received from Johan Pottas.
following the suggestion of Muller Ignatius du Plessis, j1 I propose that the PROGS get numbered a1; a2; a3 etc. sorted primarily in descending order in accordance with the number of offspring and/or known descendants, and secondly in alphabetical order.
The numbering system is the de Villiers system as outlined on the Referrence Project http://www.geni.com/projects/South-African-Genealogical-Reference-C... and used in the SAG volumes. I find that repeating the full SV/PrOG 1 etc to the numbers is rather cumbersome. How about if we were to have SV/PROPG 1, 2 etc. and then follow the generation using a1 or a2 etc?
Hi everybody, the genealogical numbering system can be used for individuals with similar or dissimilar last names as long as they are relatives. As a result, If all the van den/der Berg progenitors incorporated in a unified form of genealogical numbering were in fact family of one another then I have no objections. After all, the numbering progression suggests relatedness (genus). If however some progenitors are unrelated they need not be incorporated and another form of clarification, one that is obvious to the novice researcher/enthusiast, may be used.