I'm thinking about your question. The results you entered at show no mutations. It says the HVR1 is the same as the CRS (Cambridge Reference Sequence - the baseline for reporting results). And, it says you have no mutations in the HVR2 area. If that's true you would be H2a2a.
But, the subject of this message looks like you have the 263G mutation in HVR2. Is that right? Do you know if you have any other mutations? 263G is one of the common mutations in H but there should be others with it.
I can't find anything about 263G in T2. I'll look some more when we know more about your mutations.
Hi Justin:
Per my results at I have the following in HVR 1 & 2:
HVR-2: 16126C; 16188T; 16209C; 16257T; 16294T; 16296T; 16519C.
I found that the 16126 is PreHV1 and JT.
The 16188 is L0a; 16209 is L3F; and 16257 is N9a; 16296 is T2, L1C and L2a; 16294 is U5a2a; I'm not sure how true this is, just some data that I noted while searching for answers.
I was tested at various companies and they all got the same results.
My T2 status was not in the high percentile.
I read a bit in Europedia and found that the letter after the numbers have some meaning. My letters are different than those in the CRS, at least some of them are. Still not sure what this means.
In my full sequence 709A = T plus N2, R8a1 and R11.
In Hvr-1 16294T + N9a6a and N9b2.
IN HVR-2 195C = N13 & H11/12 Plus R8a1b and H30.
That is about all I have as far as groups.
Linda, I had a chance tonight to do some checking. You are almost certainly T, and perhaps T2 or maybe T3.
Comparing your results to others at, you have 19 close matches, all of whom are T (and one of those is T2).
The numbers are locations where your DNA differs from the CRS. The letters are the specific difference from the CRS.
In HVR2, I think your 315C is really 315.1C. Only 7 others were tested in this area but you match all of them in general. You don't have the mutation at 507C that 6 of the 7 do have. That's not a problem. Some of the others don't have some of the mutations. Mutations sometimes mutate back.
In HVR1, you match them all exactly except you have a mutation at 16209C that the rest of them do not have. Also not a problem.
According to Eupedia, the defining mutation for Haplogroup T is the one at 16294. For the regions you had tested the defining mutations for the different subgroups are:
T1 - 16186, 16189
T2 - 16153, 16296, 16304
T3 - 16188, 16257
It's frustrating, but in this particular haplogroup, any of these defining mutations can be absent. That means you would have to have more testing in order to be sure of your group.
You can see that your mutation at 16296 supports the theory that you are T2. But, your mutations at 16188 and 16257 point to T3. This is just my guess. An expert might see something I'm missing.
I hope this helps.