The seven phrases below need "{num}", or equivalent, for singular/plural variations in — {parent_list|parent,parents} {parent_list}. Optimally, there would be a {num}-option tied to every available "parent,parents", "sibling,siblings", etc. In most cases it has been possible to workaround, though not always very elegant.
* {profile} was disconnected from {profile|his,her} {parent_list|parent,parents} {parent_list}.
* {profile} was disconnected from {profile|his,her} {parent_list|parent,parents} {parent_list} and {child_list|sibling,siblings} {child_list}.
* {profile} was disconnected from {profile|his,her} {parent_list|parent,parents} {parent_list} and {child_list|sibling,siblings} {child_list} and {count||other}.
* {profile} was disconnected from {profile|his,her} {parent_list|parent,parents} {parent_list} and {child_list|sibling,siblings} {child_list} and {count||other} by {user}.
* {user} disconnected {profile} from {profile|his,her} {parent_list|parent,parents} {parent_list}.
* {user} disconnected {profile} from {profile|his,her} {parent_list|parent,parents} {parent_list} and {child_list|sibling,siblings} {child_list}.
* {user} disconnected {profile} from {profile|his,her} {parent_list|parent,parents} {parent_list} and {child_list|sibling,siblings} {child_list} and {count||other}.
Olav Linno Poëll
But parent_list and child_list are already having list rules i.e 1 or >1
I transleted them all using list rules.
Btw, what is that "{_rel}" thing? Manifesting itself as:
{first_parent} was connected to {second_parent} as his rel by {user}.
{first_parent} was connected to {second_parent} as {second_parent|his,her} {_rel} by {user}.
… for example.
Also, thanks for the list rules-tip, works nicely. Just putting it here in case anyone else runs into it:
1. You'll need Language Admin access to be able to complete this mod.
2. Go "Change Language" > "Manage Language".
3. Edit "Context Rules" > "List Rules", add:
* contains : one element
* contains : at least 2 elements
4. Hit the "Save" disk and you're done.