I am connected through her father and it appears you are by her mother.
Caroline Louisa Cavendish-Bentinck
I don't have pro either however if you go through the immediate family till you find the one you're connected to then a small box will appear saying show # of relatives.
Åsa Alderlöf is Edwyn Burnaby's 18th cousin 9 times removed.
Edwyn Burnaby
→ Mary Burnaby
his mother → Mary Coggeshall
her mother → William Coggeshall
her father → Mary Coggeshall (Stanton)
his mother → Capt. John Stanton
her father → Avis Stanton
his mother → Anne Clarke
her mother → Thomas Clarke, IV
her father → John Clarke, lV
his father → Elizabeth Ferrers
his mother → Sir Henry Ferrers
her father → Elizabeth de Ferrers (Freville)
his mother → Baldwin Freville
her father → Joyce Freville
his mother → Joyce la Zouche, de Mortimer
her mother → Eleanor de Clare, Baroness Despenser
her mother → Joan of Acre, Countess of Gloucester & Hertford
her mother → Edward I Longshanks, King of England
her father → Beatrice (Plantagenet) of England, Countess of Richmond
his sister → Blanche de Bretagne, Dame de Brie-Comte-Robert
her daughter → Marie d'Artois
her daughter → Blanche de Namur
her daughter → Magnus Nilsson (Ivar Nilssons ätt)
her son → Nils Magnusson (Ivar Nilssons ätt)
his son → Cecilia Nilsdotter Ivar Nilsson ätt
his daughter → Harald Stensson (Gren)
her son → Cecilia Haraldsdotter Gren
his daughter → Sigrid Banér
her daughter → Cecilia Månsdotter Eka
her daughter → Gustav I Vasa, Kung av Sverige
her son → Johan III, Kung av Sverige
his son → Sven Månsson Rospigg adlad Eketrä
his son → Johan Eketrä
his son → Johan Eketrä
his son → Anders Magnus Eketrä
his son → Daniel Eketrä
his son → Brita Eketrä
his daughter → Anders Kindberg
her son → Sara Kindberg
his daughter → Ulrica Wennersten
her daughter → Anton Wennersten Hammarin
her son → Augusta Charlotta Hammarin
his daughter → H. Johansson
her daughter → Iris Alderlöf
her daughter → U. Alderlöf
her son → Å. Alderlöf
his daughter