Joan of Acre is your 22nd great grandmother

Started by Private User on Wednesday, November 23, 2011
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Joan of Acre is your 22nd great grandmother

Joan of Acre is my 21 great grandmother and my 22nd great aunt

Joan of Acre is my fourth cousin 21 times removed.

Joan of Acre is my 21st great grandmother.

Joan of Acre, Countess of Gloucester & Hertford is Katherine Long's 22nd great grandmother.

My 6th cousin 31 times removed.

22nd ggmother.

Joan of Acre, Countess of Gloucester & Hertford is my 21st great grandmother.


My 23rd

21st ggm.

...second cousin 21 times removed...

20th great grandmother

Joan of Acre is my 22nd great grandmother

I just discovered Joan of Acre was my 22nd great grandmother and she was also the 22nd great grandmother of my husband. I knew about him first but didn't know about me until today.

Joan of Acre 22nd Great Grandmother of Deborah M. Hawkins nee Hoover

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