21 th twice removed really nice.
Erica the price is: you may join the "when I( was 16" project!
I added there that it was shocking to me when he died in Paris, had I then known he was my 21 th twice removed cousin (where was Geni back then????) I was even more sad :-).
Were you also a fan of the Doors back then?
Erica, we have a new winner! Sandi is......
Sandi, will you join this project? Take a look maybe you like it! Or are you 16 now? LOL
No is not complicated... go to the project, than you see on the right above
2 discussions... you go to the discussions and than you see on the left above "start an new discussion"
You start it and where you see "Topic" you add your name, the year when you were 16 and the place/country where you lived,
and on the message part you add:
for example:
your favourtis ad that tine: music, tv, fil, author books, what ever wat important to you (as far as you can remember... ) look at the example of me or Erica than you have an idea.
And than you post the discussion (is your favourites)
Or you go to the project page and you go to "edit"
(you see at the top on the left :about" and "revisions" and on the right
"edit" and "history". well you go to "edit" and than you scroll down and you can type your name, year when you were 16, country, and add your favourites.
And when you are ready you do "save", Every time you want to add more, or want to change it you do the same procedure.
So there are 2 ways:
1 is start a new projectdiscussion
2 edit the projectpage and add your favourites
Jim Morrison is your 7th cousin.
→ Roger Sheldon Scott
your father → Viora Bell Davis
his mother → Cornelia R "Nellie" Carpenter
her mother → Mary Elizabeth Carpenter
her mother → Eliza Mary Klumph
her mother → Elizabeth Eby
her mother → Magdalena Hershey
her mother → Johann Jacob Hoover, Sr.
her father → Martin Huber
his son → Joseph Musser Huber
his son → Benjamin Huber
his son → Issac Huber
his son → Benjamin Franklin Hoover
his son → Caroline Hoover
his daughter → George Stephen Morrison
her son → Jim Morrison
his son