Elizabeth II Windsor is your 11th cousin once removed

Started by Aimee C. Speidel von Ofterdingen on Thursday, October 27, 2011
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  • Photo by Joel Rouse of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence; retouched by Wikipedia user nagualdesign. Licensed under the United Kingdom Open Government Licence v3.0 (OGL v.3). Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Queen_Elizabeth_II_in_March_2015.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
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Showing 1-30 of 76 posts

Elizabeth II Windsor is your 11th cousin once removed

This is nice new Betty

Yes she is, but how did you work that out?

:) for me:

Queen Elizabeth II is your wife's third cousin's wife's 14th cousin thrice removed.


(actually there is another a bit shorter path but geni don't show alternatives)

Queen Elizabeth II is your 12th cousin twice removed.

Queen Elizabeth II is my 7th cousin twice removed.

10th cousin thrice removed :)

The Queen is my 17th cousin, no removals. Isabella was her's and my 15th great grandmother.

Isabella Gilbert that is!

Aimee Look and see if Thomas Bouldin is a relative of yours as there is a book written from the papers found in a trunk in his home after he passed away. He was a congressman who died on the floor of the house of congress while giving a speech, He was my Great great grandfather so he could be relatived to you. ;The book is called [The Old Trunk] Betty

Queen Elizabeth II is your 13th cousin twice removed.

Queen Elizabeth II is my 11th cousin four times removed - maybe. The jury is still out on Richard Ferris

Isabella Grenville
Isabella Gilbert is your 18th great aunt.
Her sister Joan Gilbert is your 17th great grandmother.

Queen Elizabeth II is my 18 cousin thrice removed

Queen Elizabeth II is your 11th cousin.

Thank you for validating this/

Thank you Aimee , I am descended from Edward the 1st and his second wife Marguerite... I believed that I was somehow related to Queen Elizabeth Windsor but I didn't know how...

I`m not aware of being related in any way., but most interesting.

She is my 16th cousin 4 times removed.

Thanks Roger... for clearing up the relationship to Isabella Gilbert.

Hello Diane, I'm just happy to find family all around the world, pleasure to meet you.

Queen Elizabeth II is your 12th cousin twice removed.

Queen Elizabeth II is my second cousin once removed's wife's 6th cousin's wife's half sister's husband's first cousin's wife's first cousin twice removed

I find that quite fascinating and thank you Aimee for your trouble. I always thought that my father looked a little like our present Queen Elizabeth`s father; same forehead, nose.

Happy Family of Elizabeth II Windsor. God Save The Queen of England.

Richard Fessis is my 8th cousin 13 times removed

Isabella Gilbert is my 8th cousin 24 times removed

Queen Elizabeth II is also (Courtney Frank Allen) my husband's 14th cousin no removals .

No comprendo el sentido del mensaje, nunca afirme que Isabel II fuese mi prima!!

Queen Elizabeth II Windsor is my 10th cousin, once removed.

Showing 1-30 of 76 posts

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