Besoek aan die Nederlandse Argiewe

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 10, 2011
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Ek beplan om 'n bietjie tyd in Den Haag in die argiewe te gaan spandeer en wil graag 'n kortlys saamstel van Suid Afrikaanse lyne met Nederlandse takke om na te vors. Ek sal dan ook graag versoeke ontvang oor wie om mee te begin. Is daar miskien 'n spesifieke area om op te fokus wat dalk ons Geni boom kan help? Ek sal voorstelle en idees waardeer.

I am very interested in the: Janse/n Van Vuuren and Van Der Walt names. If I remember correctly they are both form Dutch origin.

Mauritz, you're welcome to visit my town as well. In The Hague, where I have spend some years in my life 1961-1971 and where my parents lived there till they leaved this globe in 1991 -death of my father- & 1997 -of my mother-. I can show you also places to visit, so if you know when you will be in the Netherlands, maybe we can arrange a introducing somewhere central, not to far from Schiphol to drink a coffee, tea, bear, wine or whatever South Africans like to enjoy when they visit Europe. Ok? by for now, looking forward to meet someone I met in geni. Jeannette from 's-Hertogenbosch in de provincie Noord-Brabant. And maybe other Dutch geni-users like to meet the ones they cooperate with in geni as well.

Mauritz, jy het mos ook 'n belang by die Venters? Kan jy asseblief in die VOC Rijksarchief in Den Haag soek vir Jean Henri Fender? Ons reken dis die naam waaronder Hendrik Venter, ons Venter-stamvader, in Europa bekend was. Jy behoort iets oor hom te kry in die Algemene Grootboek en Joernaal van die VOC skip 'Vrije Zee', 1679 (1679 Deel I / I.2.b.4). Scheepssoldijboeken (5219) en skeepsjoernaal, bygehou op die VOC skip Vrije Zee 1677-1678 Deel I / I.1.0 Scheepsjournalen (5057). Ons vermoed dat hy aan boord van die Vrije Zee na die Kaap gekom het in 1678 of 1679. Kyk : 'Venter History'.
Kan jy asseblief vir my terugvoer gee by: ? En, as jy mag, kan jy dalk 'n fotokopie van enige inskrywing kry? Piet Venter.

Die van Zijls( van Zyl)

Wonderlike idees wat deurkom.. Ook privaat. Ek sal weldrae terugvoer gee oor waarop ek eerste sal fokus. Intussen begin dit reeds binne in my borrel van opwindenheid.

Piet, ja, hel, as ek met die Venters iets kan opduik sal dit vir my 'n Grote wees.. So daai een is erens booo aan die lys..

Jeanette, I"m going to rely on my dutch compatriots to help me through this one.. so I'll be in touch as soon as I have some confirmation on when I will do my little adventure of discovery...

Private User

And..., did you have a nice yourney or did you have to postpone it a while/ Here the weather is really nice, so why stay the winter on the other hemisphere?

Jou ...... ek wil dit nie eers sê nie. Ek het al begin dink jy is dood in ons pragtige land. Myne weet jy mos. EK sukkel nog steeds om die ouers en vorentoe van my skoonma te kry. Theunis Dirks van Schalkwyk. Soos ons weet is die oudste twee seuns albei Dirk genoem soos in sy naam weerspieel - Theunis Dirks s.v. Dirk. Jy moet dit geniet jong. Wens ek kon so 'n trippie onderneem.

Mauritz dis 'n wonderlike geleentheid en dis gaaf van jou om bereid te wees om na ons versoeke te kyk! Ek self sou baie graag meer van die stamvader van die Vissers, Jan Coenraadsz Visser (c1633-1696) uit Ommen, Overijsel, Nederland, wou uitvind. Ook meer van sy eerste vrou, Greetjen Gerritsz (c1630-1692) aangesien hulle my stamouers aan vaderskant is en ek tot op hede niks verder van hulle kon uitvind verder terug in die Nederlandse geskiedenis nie. Dis 'n baie ou Suid Afrikaanse van en nogal jammer dat mens sukkel om verder as die Suid Afrikaanse stamouers na te vors. Dalk is dit omdat daar so baie Vissers in Nederland is en mens nie weet waar om te begin nie? Hoop jy kry kans om daarna te kyk?
Dankie en voorspoedige reis!

Esther STIEGER (VISSER) I have looked in geni for the profiles you mention, for if you give the URL, also other Dutch geni-users can help you searching in Dutch archives. Sometimes it aint necessary at all to visit the original sources yourself, for in our country really a lot of our governmental tax-income has been used to make very good digital sources. We are proud of that, for as a result any Dutch-descendant can have a look sitting behind his/her own pc in his/her own study-environment. I will have a look for you if i can find some more about them, ok?
* Jan Coenraadsz Visser, SV/PROG
* Geertje Aeltje Gerritz, SM/PROG

groeten van jeannette, holland, europe.

It's just a start and NOT a dutch site, but maybe it gives keys to other information, like the VOC-sites

I changed her surname, for it's rather odd to call a woman Gerritsz what mean Gerritszoon, de SON of Gerrit. We call that a Patronym and is in quite some circumstances only the way to tell other that Jan was the lucky one to get the daughter of Gerrit. Be aware of this aspect when you add Dutch names in you tree, for when you see ...z. or ...zn. or ...zoon at the and it should be a man and his father name you can extract already if it's a profile before Napoleon 1811 made a proclamation that EVERY Dutch citizen should have a strict Surname and also daughters got the name of the father by birth.
We are also NOT used to put the partner's name in a profile, for also in our archives every woman is always written down with her OWN, yes -fathers- name.
I will continue my search in Ommen now...

another -now Dutch? I wouldn't know- sources with information about Jan & Geertjen:

Jeannette, thanks for your interest. Acording to my source the spelling of the names are as follows:

Jan Coenraad VISSER * Ommen, Nederland c. 1633. He arrived as a soldier in South Africa on 28 April 1658 on board the ship "Dordrecht" which departed from Delft, Netherlands.

His 1st wife was Greetjen (Alida) GERRITS from Hardenberg, Netherlands.According to my source they were married in c.1648 in the Netherlands but I do not know what happened to her because Jan Coenraad VISSER got married a 2nd time in c.1662 which was after his arrival in South Africa. His 2nd marriage was to his sister in law, Margaretha (Geertjen) GERRITS, of Hardenberg, Netherlands.

I am a descendant of Jan Coenraad VISSER and his first wife Greetjen (Alida) GERRITS' second child and my ancestor Gerrit Jansz VISSER * Ommen, Netherlands born c.1650 and X 4/14 August 1675 Johanna (Jannetje) Thielemans HENDRIKS who was baptised 18 July 1660 as daughter of Thieleman HENDRIKS from Utrecht, Netherlands X Mayken (Maijken) VAN DEN BERG from Diest in Brabant, Belgium.

I agree it is a good thing for that a woman's name is always better written down with het own father's name.Not only does it make genealogical research easier, but it is a very empowering thing for a woman to be recognised as a person in her own right.

Thank you for the sources! I will have a look at those sites to see what I can find.

If you are sure the two Geertjen~Greetjen and Margareth were sisters, you can add that information in geni already with a father's name Gerrit. I know it's just supposing, but as soon you know better you can change it, I think.

Dirk Cornelis Streicher, b1c1d14e6f2g1, is the Jan Coenraad Visser you added to geni the same as we are talking about here? If so, do you mind to make your profile PUBLIC, so we can share information and descendants? would be nice!

And what about this profile ?
* Coenraet Jansz Visser

Here the first names are even mixed up, so I hesitate to merge them...
But I am sure it's the same as the Jan Coenraad we were talking about, but only with a lot of fuss in the field not ment for that information. Maybe some-one can come in touch with one or more of the managers to help them out to make it clear how all the links should be in the one and only big tree? succes.


Kyk eers wat is beskikbaar by die onderskeie Gemeentes, Den Haag, Delft, Leiden se genialogiese argiewe op internet. Die Drie stede is naby mekaar.


Leon nvan Schalkwyk

Hi Mauritz. I am not sure whether this is relevant to the above discussions but my husband Hendrik Erasmus Theron Augustyn known as Boet would like to know more about his anscestors who were from Holland. The info we have is as follows from SAG: "Jan Heymerik Augustyn * Amsterdam 1784, Onderwyser † Versefontein, Clanwilliam 22.10.1862 s.v. Jan Augustyn en Johanna Heymerik x Lucherse kerk 1.3.1818 Johanna Maria van Ommen * Zwolle, Nederland c. 1796 † 19.11.1878 d.v. David van Ommen en Wanderina Geerling".
It seems that Jan Augustyn came from Kortvijk, Belgium and died 29.10.1795 in Bordeaux, France. Boet would like to know as much as he can about Jan's father and anscestors. Jan Heyerik is therefore the Augustyn Stamvader. If this is asking too much for you to research then just let us know and we will understand.

Joan Margaret Augustyn : in the netherlands I personally know some people with the surname AUGUSTIJN and think it wise to start a project to be able to collaborate with others, some maybe with the same surname or geni-users from SA & NL to be able to help eachother researching digital archives. i think for that I aint necessary to make a -expensive- trip to and voyaging in our nice country. But ofcourse we welcome every South African who likes to see where there ancestors lived and loved.... in holland ~hout-land=woodland, for we where famous for our trees to make Klompen~wooden shoes.

I am sure we can achieve already a lot by bringing together people with the same interest in a 'project' or 'worksheet' about this surname. To start I can show you how you find people with a certain surname in geni:
* AUGUSTIJN : - 21 hits
* AUGUSTYN -surname- : 113 hits
* AUGUSTIN -surname- : 417 hits
* etc., use the Research-TAB aboven on the home-page and look at button SURNAMES

If you like I can help you start such a project on this world-wide-genealogy-co-operation-network. But it is first an for all very important ALWAY TO BE AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE IN SPELLING NAMES OR VAIRATIONS OF NAMES, for only then you have chance to use our good dutch archives on the internet with succes. To help and to encourage other Dutch users to look for you in there own databases I made some effort to list the names you mentioned i a way it is possible to know what is in geni already and what not. Please give comments if I made mistakes, for every one-and-only-geni-profiles should be a 'foutloos' as possible to give also others a chance to use them to link there own research-results:

* Jan Heymerik~Heyerik AUGUSTYN - A'dam 1784-1862 okt-22 Versefontein-Clanwilliam - onderwijzer - zoon van:
* Jan AUGUSTYN - ? BE-Kortrijk x-1795 okt-29 Bordeaux-FRA -
* Johanna HEYMERIK
& 1818 mrt-01 Lutherse Kerk met
* Johanna Maria van OMMEN - NL-Zwolle c.1796-1878 nov-19 - dochter van:
* David van OMMEN &
* Wanderina GEERLING

Succes, hope you find some already with this tiny help of a geni-useres who likes it when others get results.... for then also her tree grows, you see?
jeannette from holland, europe.

THANK YOU so much Jeanette. I appreciate your help tremendously!!! I know that the name is also spelled Augustijn. I will need your help and guidance. As much as Boet and I would love to visit your lovely country we are not so young any more and traveling is no longer possible.Geni is the perfect place to get feed-back from other 'genies'!

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