by Mobiwolf The GeneDroid Android application provides a stylish family tree viewer interface for sharing your Geni research with others. The app makes it easy to “climb” your Geni tree and view profile data for any of your family members. Links: GeneDroid in the Amazon Appstore for Android
by Jeff Gentes HistoryLink is a set of free tools for Geni that will search your tree for historical and famous ancestors. The search will compare your direct ancestors (and their siblings) to projects on Geni and list any matches found, the relation and what projects they belong to. It can also search for master… Read more
by TelGen The World Family Tree app enables you to view your Geni family tree in a variety of ways on your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Android device. World Family Tree supports the following functionality: Family View, Pedigree View, Descendant View and Timeline Index, searchable by First Name, Last Name or Geni Id Birth,… Read more